Bernard Richard Pfluger

November 7, 1941 ~ September 18, 2023
Bernard Richard Pfluger, (Born November 7, 1941; died September 18 , 2023)
Bernard Richard Pfluger, known as Dick to his family and friends, was raised in Washington, DC, by Bernard and Jane Pfluger, who adopted him and loved him until their early deaths left him without a family at the age of 15. He lived in foster homes until age 17 and then joined the U.S. Air Force and found a second home. He served from 1959 to 1970, spending one tour at Cam Ranh Bay Air Base, Republic of Vietnam, from 1967-1968. Ten years after his honorable discharge from active duty as a Staff Sergeant, Dick enlisted in the Air Force Reserves and served another 12 years, rising to the rank of Master Sergeant.
Dick met the love of his life, Donna Jamie Doane, while living in in Denver, Colorado, and he married her in 1979. They ultimately settled in Fairfax County, Virginia, close to Donna’s parents, sister and brother. He grew to love Donna’s parents as if they were his own. Donna and Dick did not have children, but they had several dogs and cats that they pampered like children. They also spent many vacations at the beach with family and enjoyed traveling. Dick’s golf game improved immensely when he started playing golf with his father-in-law, David Doane, an accomplished golfer.
Dick’s career was varied and offered him many opportunities to meet people from all walks of life. He served as an officer with the Dumfries, Virginia Police Department for seven years, and was honored with the Valor and the Top Gun Awards during his tenure at the Department. Dick also spent several years working as a security manager for the federal government, first at the U.S. Army and later for the U.S. Geological Survey.
Dick ended his career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, working as an Industrial Security Specialist. The job required him to travel extensively, and he enjoyed visiting many of the FBI’s field offices and facilities.
After his retirement, Dick continued to serve his military “family” by volunteering for eight years as a greeter with the USO at Dulles Airport. When service men and women returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, Dick was there to extend a helping hand and a warm welcome.
Those who knew Dick well often referred to him as “one of a kind” — a tough military man with a kind heart, a great sense of humor, and fierce loyalty to his friends and family. He enjoyed Mexican food and well-made Margaritas, but he was not a fan of seafood, always joking, “I never eat anything that doesn’t have shoulders!”
Dick is survived by his wife, Donna Jamie Pfluger; his brother-in-law, David Doane and his wife, Hollye, and son, Stephen, of Oakton, Virginia; his sister-in-law, Tracy Yarbrough and her husband, Dick, of Kamiah, Idaho; his nephew, David James Doane of Bend, Oregon; and his niece, Lindsey Morris, her husband, David and daughter, Chelsea, of Columbus, Ohio.
God Bless and forever peace .
What about Molly, Mary, Frances, Carol and Bernard Richard jr.??
Shortly after Dick’s return from Vietnam, there seems to be some missing information. Essentially, Dick abandoned his first true love as well as his four very young children. He dropped them off in Texas and was never to be seen again by any of his children. He provided no support and never paid a dime of child support. His first love never recovered from her loss and used all of her energy to be a single parent.
Despite having a father who discarded his children, I put myself through college with both a BS and MS in Science. I have spent the last 30 years of my life in the biotech/pharma industry. I have been privileged to support the launch of 3 novel oncology treatments, Keytruda in Luzern, Switzerland with Merck and 2 CAR T products at BMS for Multiple Myeloma.
I married a wonderful man who was the love of my life until he met an untimely early death due to glioblastoma. We raised three very independent and successful daughters and have a new grandson. Throughout my life, I never dropped my maiden name of Pfluger. Probably because I remembered my father and hoped that one day he would find me. In a twist of fate, I found him only to be met with ambivalence and disregard.
I would have loved to know the Dick that you all loved. More importantly, I’d like to know how he passed and any medical history that could be provided as I would like to provide this information to my daughters.
RIP Dick, as a parent, I cannot fathom how someone could walk away from their children, but I’m sure there were reasons. I’m writing here share some of the missing story of the life of Bernard Dick Pfluger.