Charles "Dan" McGuire

June 28, 1938 ~ January 19, 2013
Charles "Dan" McGuire passed away on Saturday, January 19, 2013 at his home in Reston, Va. Beloved husband of Edie McGuire; devoted father of son, Shannon and daughter, Kirsty; brother of Joy Breeze. Also survived by many relatives and close friends. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to SPCA of Northern Virginia, PO Box 100220, Arlington, Va 22210-3220 or online at
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
Fare thee well, Old Friend. Deo Vindice. Bill Forbes
Many good memories of a good cousin. I’ll miss you Danny. Love from my family to yours’ Kathleen
Edie and Dan’s family and friends, As the Commander of the R.E. Lee Camp No. 726 Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) in Alexandria, VA, please accept my heartfelt sympathy and know my loving thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of sorrow as we each grieve the loss of your beloved Dan (he loved, he gave, he was a faithful husband, father, and friend). I’ve enjoyed many fine moments with Dan at our camp meetings, dinners, and Banquets… and the gatherings for the George Washington Chapter of the SAR. May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared comfort you now and in the days ahead. Though he is missed so deeply, he is certainly in a place of total love, acceptance and peace.
Thank you, Dan, for your friendship and good memories.
Dan, you were a true gentleman, I will always cherish your friendship. Deo Vindice
May he rest in love and peace, dwelling in the house of the Lord forever.
I grew up with Dan in Capital Heights, Md and attended Archbishop Carroll High School with Dan. I always endjoyed my time with him and we never had any misunderstanding. I am sorry I cannot attend since I am on a trip. My condolences to Dan’s family.
I am a fellow alumni, Archbishop Carroll High School, Class of 1956. A life well lived. May Dan rest in peace.
I have such fond memories of times in my childhood that Danny and I shared. I used to love to spend the night with him and eat breakfast that Uncle Franny would fix. The precious times we spent at our Grandparents on the farm helping with the chores and exploring. Two city boys in the country – never a dull minute!
Edie, Kirsty, and Shnnon: Two life-long obsessions began with Danny: model trains and ice cream. As boys we spent many happy hours playing with his train set. Then, we would joyfully do our cranking job in anticipation of homemade ice cream! Then, life happened and we drifted. But, the last 12 years are filled with m an y wonderfiul memories of Danny and all of you…..beach visits, crabfeasts, holiday dinners. But most of all I will remember the telephone conversations. Danny and I compared notes on books, discussed car and tractor repair poblems, argued over politics, and, in general, solved all the worlds problems….or not. Not one conversation ended without catching up on our families, not only members of the two legged variety, but especially those with 4 legs. Danny is now enjoying the company of his beloved puppy dogs. I will miss these conversations. I will miss the companionship of a cousin, a friend, and a good man. Love, Dennis
Edie, Kirsty, and Shnnon: Two life-long obsessions began with Danny: model trains and ice cream. As boys we spent many happy hours playing with his train set. Then, we would joyfully do our cranking job in anticipation of homemade ice cream! Then, life happened and we drifted. But, the last 12 years are filled with m an y wonderfiul memories of Danny and all of you…..beach visits, crabfeasts, holiday dinners. But most of all I will remember the telephone conversations. Danny and I compared notes on books, discussed car and tractor repair poblems, argued over politics, and, in general, solved all the worlds problems….or not. Not one conversation ended without catching up on our families, not only members of the two legged variety, but especially those with 4 legs. Danny is now enjoying the company of his beloved puppy dogs. I will miss these conversations. I will miss the companionship of a cousin, a friend, and a good man. Love, Dennis
I am so sorry to hear of Dan’s death. He was very supportive of my work at Archbishop Carroll High School. Dan was proud to be a 1956 graduate of Carroll and was active in alumni events, even helping to write the constitution and serving as the first president of the revised alumni association. I will miss him a lot. He was a friend and a great supporter of our advancement work at Archbishop Carroll. May Dan rest in eternal peace.
Edie: Have fond memories of Dan and the times we worked to make the Commodore Barry Division of the AOH an outstanding organization that it became during the 1980’s and beyond. Dan served the AOH well as an Officer and President for many years, and his humor and enthusiasm will be missed. May he rest in Peace. Terry & Mary
Dan, you will be missed by all of us in the M Club. Thank you for your years of service and dedication to Athletes Helping Athletes! Sincerely, Marjorie Bollinger Baker (current M Club President)