Ellen Dagmar Keder

April 30, 1934 ~ October 27, 2008
Ellen D. Keder (age 74) of McLean, Virginia died on Monday, October 27, 2008 at Fairfax Nursing Center. Beloved wife of the late Virko Keder; mother of Tina Keder; sister of AnneMarie Puusalu. She is also survived by a granddaughter, Trista Keder.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to The American Lung Association, 61 Broadway, New York, NY 10006, The Estonia American Fund, PO Box 13266, Silver Spring, MD 20911, or the Estonian Freedom Fund, Attn: Jaak Juhansoo, 25 Beech St., Franklin, MA 02038.
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to The American Lung Association, 61 Broadway, New York, NY 10006, The Estonia American Fund, PO Box 13266, Silver Spring, MD 20911, or the Estonian Freedom Fund, Attn: Jaak Juhansoo, 25 Beech St., Franklin, MA 02038.
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
Tiina – please accept my condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Trista.
Tiina- My thoughts are with you and Trista during this very sad time.
Sudamlik kaastunne Tina’le ja Trista’le Irene, Bill ja Viiu Loub Alli Rudzinski
Mälestame kurbuses meie kauaaegset armsat sõpra ja eestluse alalhoidjat Ellenit. Avaldame südamilikku kaastunnet Tiinale ja Tristale.