Jack Lewis High, Jr.
May 1, 1935 ~ December 10, 2009
Jack Lewis High, Jr., age 74, died on Thursday, December 10, 2009 at his home in McLean, Virginia. Beloved husband of Martha Walton High; father of Lance Walton High (Annastasia) & Martha Elizabeth High Holler (Christian); brother of Dorothy Stafford (Don) & grandfather of Elizabeth, Annastasia, Mary Catherine, Karl & Martha Virginia.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the St. John's Episcopal Church Memorial Fund, 6715 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101.
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the St. John's Episcopal Church Memorial Fund, 6715 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101.
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
Rest in peace, Jackie. Love, Sis
Dear Martha and Family, Please accept my heartfelt sympathy at the loss of your dear Jack. I only had the pleasure of being in his company a few times but those will be times I will remember fondly. May it easy your sorrow to know that Jack is now with our Lord and Savior. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers . With Love and Sympathy, Beblon
I have fond memories of Jack from the old Sperry days. He was a good friend and supportive colleage. My condolences to his family. He will be missed by his old friends.
Thanks, Jack, for some great recipes from the company cookbook. Every time I make one of your dishes, I think of you–and now it will be with some sadness…
Jack taught me the love of good wine, and to share a great sense of humor. I have fond memories of the Univac crowd, Jim Collins, Don Greenwald, Ralph Johnson, and many many others. You and your family are in my prayers. RIP my friend.
Dearest Martha, Your grief is shared by so many of us who were extremely privileged to have known Jack. He was ‘one of a kind’ in his love of life and family, his kindness and generosity to others, and his intellectual curiosity and love of God. How I will miss him too! With much love to you, Ann
I will miss Jack even though it has been many years since I knew him at Univac.
Andover, Luray, a blue jean factory, a date with Dorothy, Tufts, a few years afterward, recent e-mails and many, many fond memories of my good friend, and good friend of Jud’s and Nuv’s, too. I am impressed by Jack’s courage and saddened by his passing. I send my thoughts and prayers to Martha, Dorothy, Martha and the rest of Jack’s family. I’ll be with you in spirit on Tuesday.
Martha, Martha Elizabeth, and Lance, I am so sorry for your loss. Jack was, indeed, one of a kind. It was a true pleasure working with him at AT&T. I learned so much from him and without his guidance, would not be where I am today. Ed Burns
My sympathy to Jack’s family. I was a coworker at Univac/Sperry/Unisys with Jack and will always remember his booming voice and gregarious nature. He was always a pleasure to work with. Sincerely, John McNult
Condolences to Martha and the rest of the family. I had the pleasure of working and interfacing with Jack from our days at Univac, Jack at 2121 Wisconson and me in Roseville, MN. He was a great guy to work with and to be around. I have many fond memories of the old days with Jack.
Dearest Martha, Please know you, Martha Elizabeth, Lance and all your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Jack’s wonderful laughter and dry humor will be missed by everyone who had the privilege of knowing him. Love you much!
So long good and longtime friend from second grade on up. A lot of fond memories come flooding in beginning with playing with Lincoln Logs and listening to Jack Armstrong on the radio in the living room in your old home on South Court Street in Luray, school in Luray, you being my Best Man in October of 1956, UVA late ‘50s and early ‘60s, you living in our attic for a while at 1904 Stadium Road in Charlottesville, your marriage to Martha and many more pleasant times in your company. Condolences to Martha and all the family.
Dear Martha – – We are so very sorry for your loss. Your father was such a nice man and we enjoyed seeing him in Church on Sundays. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. With love, The Saunders Family
Jack was a wonderful person to know. His wit, humor and professionalism carried us through many a tough project during those heady Sperry days. God Bless you Jack.
Jack was truly among the brightest flowers in our garden of life. His wit, humour and compassion made him a wonderous individual. We will miss him dearly for the remainder of our earthly lives. Blessings upon you Martha, your family and the legions of friends who count themselves privileged to have known Jack through the years.
Dear Martha and Family, I know your hearts are broken. May our Lord comfort you. Love, Jodie Pully (ECW)
Dear Martha and Family, Our deepest condolences and sympathies on the loss of your husband, father and grandfather. He will be missed. You are in our prayers. Kim and Chris Pakstys
My thoughts are with you during this time and always. Randy
My prayers and thoughts are with you all during this time.
Dear Martha and Family, Jack was a friend and colleague that could brighten ones day with his quick wit. He was always fun to be around. He will be missed, and not soon forgotten.
Dear Martha, Martha and Lance, I am so sorry for your loss. Jack was a good friend and mentor. It was always fun to be around him. It’s a wonder we didn’t get in more trouble at work than we did. I will miss him a lot.
Dear Martha, We are sorry for your loss; life is too short. We will always remember Jack for his humor, his hospitality and most of all for his warm friendship. He was truly a great person. Bob and Pat Spallone
Dear Martha, Lance and Martha, We treasure the larger than life memories of our much loved former neighbor; your dear husband and father. Jack was one of those “very special people”. He touched us with his wit, humor and love of life and family. He enriched the lives of those he touched. We smile in remembering. Our love to you, Janet and Jim Regan
Martha and Family My heart is broken to loose such a wonderful friend. I knew him at Univac and then many years later on email. I will miss his wit and personality every day. God bless you all. Isabel (Ackerman) Dunphy
To the family of Jack L. High, Jr. I along with the many, many friends of Jack will remember Jack as a close and good friend; to all, ack was a tower of personality and always shared his cheerfulness and immense good humor. George Carter Werth – Bethesda, MD
Dear Martha and family, We grieve with you. What a wonderful neighbor Jack has been all these years! We will miss him very much. We, with Mary and Emlyn, send our most heartfelt condolences…and our love, Dana & Bill
Dear Martha and family, We are so saddened to learn of Jack’s recent death. Are hearts are with you and we are keeping all of you in our prayers, and close to our hears. Love, Lucia and Charlie Bakewell
Jack, I am here to report to you that there isn’t a dry eye among any of your old Andover classmates. You were a mighty man, a great force for what is kind and good and right, who touched as all mightily and for which we thank you. Your brave and courageous spirit will sustain us. Ken MacWilliams Portland, Maine
Martha and Family, Jack was a good friend and will long be remembered. Tell Lance and little Martha they did well with their eulogies. Jack would have been proud. Tom & Ling Mangan
I am saddened to hear of your passing. My deepest sympathy and condolences to your family. Love, Aunt Ruth
Dear Mrs. High, Lance and Martha (Boofy), I was incredibly saddened to hear of Mr. High’s passing. Whenever I look back on growing up on Abbey Way I always smile… Many of those smiles come from fond memories of all of you. Your family was always so warm, kind, inviting and gracious. You were all also the tallest people with the biggest dog I had ever met! Your father, husband Jack, was larger than life in so many ways, with a rich and wise voice, and a heart even larger. Thinking of all of you with smiles and tears. All my love. Allie Regan
Dear Mrs. High, My deepest condolences on the loss of your beloved husband and father of you children Lance and Martha. We have never met, but I have had the privilege of knowing and working with your wonderful son, Lance, these past eight years. In these sad days, you can take great comfort and pride in knowing that Jack’s wonderful legacy lives on through your loving son. In reading these memorials its clear to me that your husband’s gift for being a true friend and having a loving spirit to all those he touched lives on through Lance. I wish you and your entire family all of God’s blessings and will keep you all in my prayers. With deepest sympathy, Bob Niemeier