Linnie Sloan

linnie sloan
Linnie Sloan, age 94, passed away peacefully at her home in McLean, Virginia on March 11, 2011. She is survived by her husband, Dale and daughter, Doris Cheely of McLean. She was the cherished grandmother of Mark Perkins and wife, Marti of Morehead, KY and David Perkins and wife, Colleen of Virginia Beach, VA; great-grandmother of Kate, Eliza and Keith. A Celebration of her life will be held at a later date.

Funeral Home:

Money & King Funeral Home

171 W. Maple Ave.

Vienna, VA

US 22180

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Memories Timeline


  1. We were so sorry to hear of the loss of your loved one. May the care and support of family and friends and God’s promise help ease the pain during this difficult time. Psalns 147:3 “He is healing the brokenhearted ones, And is binding up their painful spots.”

  2. Uncle Dale’s Sweetheart forever. Linnie shared her smile, her joy of life and living it to its fullest; she shared her love witheveryone who ever had the honor of knowing her. We love you.

  3. My Aunt Lynn did things with us nieces and nephews that boggled our minds! Once she gathered us all up and took us to the 7-11 where she bought us an ice cream for each hand. When I was 8 or 9, she took me to the exclusive Woodrow Marshall Hair Salon in Norfolk for several weeks in a row. She had my hair done and my poor chewed down fingernails manicured in an effort to get me to stop biting them. I felt SO special going there with her. When I was a senior at Madison, she and Uncle Dale generously allowed me to live with them for 9 weeks as I student-taught in McLean. They are, and will always be, very special people! I always thought it was cool that my brother Jerry was named for Uncle Dale and then he married a Lynn, like me! Much love.

  4. One of my birthdays fell on Easter Sunday. We always went to Mimi and Papa’s for lunch and an Easter egg hunt. That was the year that Dale and Lynn gave me my much-cherished Monopoly game. I was so thrilled! And I still have it, 50 years later. On top of that, Aunt Lynn made me a special birthday cake with chocolate marshmallow bunnies on top. She always knew how to make an occasion special and how to make a person feel like they were the only one in the room. 🙂

  5. I remember Aunt Lynn always making fun for all the kids. She was always so full of energy and life. I remember that my Uncle Dale loved her with all his heart. My thoughts and prayers are with you Uncle Dale. I am so sorry for your loss. I love you.

  6. Uncle Dale, When I visited Linnie I could always see the smile in her eyes. I will miss her. I love you. Max

  7. Dear Uncle Dale, I will always hold in my heart the sweet, sweet memories of my Aunt Lynn- childhood memories of things that she did for me that made me feel so special- things like letting me sit on her kitchen counter as a four- year old to eat “stork cake and sherbert”, taking me shopping for a special baby doll, getting us into the White House without having to wait in line, hailing a taxi for us in DC (I had never ridden in one),and making every experience an extraordinary one. We always knew that she loved us. I am so blessed to hold dear the memories of times we shared with the both of you and the model for a loving marriage that you and Lynn showed us through all these years. We love you. Beth & David

  8. Dear Uncle Dale, I remember Aunt Linnie always being so spunky; she had such a love for life. You couldn’t help but be happy when she was around. What a full life she lived. Aunt Linnie made such a difference in everyone’s life she touched. We’re all better for having known her; she’ll be missed. Love, David and Connie

  9. Dear Uncle Dale, I wanted you to know that I am praying for you and can only imagine what a loss you are feeling. Aunt Lynn was such an energetic, wonderful woman. Some of my fondest childhood memories are with her. She taught me about history in a fun way, taking me and my sisters to the Smithsonian and Lincoln Memorial. She always taught us something, but it was fun. I remember making pancakes in your kitchen when I was a little girl, with Aunt Lynn supervising. I love her so much and will miss her voice, her smile and her giving spirit. I love you and I am thinking of you always. Love, Terri

  10. Lynn was everything that anyone could want in a sister-in-law. She always remembered our special days. Her hospitality was beyond compare. We were always welcomed in their home and treated as royalty. Our times together at Smith Mountain Lake were so special.We love her and will always miss her. We love you, Dale.

  11. Dear Uncle Dale, We are so sorry for your loss. We will all miss Aunt Lynn. I remember when I was about 10 years old, we were visiting your house and all the adults were sitting around talking Aunt Lynn said to me: Let’s get out of here, there’s too many adults in here! So we left and went off and I remember thinking that she was the coolest aunt ever! She was the best. Love Tim & Rene

  12. I had the special pleasure of knowing and working with Linnie in the Arthritis and Diabetes Institutes at NIH. Her day in and day out work ethic at NIH was exemplary. Linnie was the best that I’ve ever seen at giving selflessly to others. The only weakness that I ever saw was that she was not too good at receiving kindness and attention from others. When at age (?) she decided to retire, she absolutely refused to let me arrange for a party to honor her. When I persisted she really got on my case. She took the old adage that it is better to give than to receive to new heights. Linnie, you were the most special of the special, and I will always remember you and love you. John

  13. Dear Uncle Dale, I am writing to say that I a sorry for your loss, and to share a memory of Aunt Linnie. The meory I have chosen to share is perhaps my first memory of her. My mother and I visited your house when I was about three, and I remember becoming enamored with this stuffed Washington Redskins pig. When she saw how muh fun I was having with it she told me that the pig wanted to go home with me. I am happy to report that the pig still resides at my parents’ house. It has seen wrestling matches, tea parties with my little sister Jess, and even survived elbow drops off the top bunk. I have chosen to share this memory because it is the one which reminds me most of who she was. She was always warm, always giving, always pleasant, and she will be missed by all whose lives she has touched. sincerely, Daniel W. Moore

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