Maxine Shelly Turner

January 15, 1985 ~ April 16, 2007
Maxine Shelly Turner, 22, of Vienna, Va., died on Monday, April 16, 2007 at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., beloved daughter of Paul and Susan Turner,
sister of Anthony Turner, granddaughter of Theodore Malinowski and Patricia Turner.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a scholarship fund in her name to made payable to Alpha Omega Epsilon National Foundation, Inc., AOE National Foundation, PO Box 3150, Brunswick, GA 31521 (Memo Line:
Maxine Turner Fund)
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
sister of Anthony Turner, granddaughter of Theodore Malinowski and Patricia Turner.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a scholarship fund in her name to made payable to Alpha Omega Epsilon National Foundation, Inc., AOE National Foundation, PO Box 3150, Brunswick, GA 31521 (Memo Line:
Maxine Turner Fund)
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
May God bless you all my thoughts are with you michelle parker fresno ca
To the Family of Maxine Shelly Turner: Please accept heart felt condolences on behalf of myself and my family for the loss of your daughter. Your family will be in the thoughts and prayers of myself, my wife Kathryn, and our daugther Samantha (a student at a university in Texas). May God bless you and be with you at this time of great loss. Respectfully, Steven W. Nichols Austin, Texas
Our hearts and prayers go out to the family and friends of “Max”, and the other victims of the senseless tragedy at Virginia Tech. May God comfort you in this very difficult time, and rest assured you will be together again someday in Heaven.
I am sending my heart-felt sympathy to your family in your loss. I wish I had magical powers that could make this go away or turn back the hands of time and bring your beloved back. As much as I wish I could I can’t but I can tell you that God is with you and His grace will bring you through.
God Bless your family!
I weep for you and the loss of such a beautiful young woman. All my thoughts and prayers.
We share your sorrow in this difficult time. Please know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. We hope you find strength and comfort in your happy memories of your beautiful daughter.
Paul, Susan and Anthony: Our deepest sympathy in the loss of Maxine. While we did not know Maxine personally, at work, Mike remembers Paul talking about his family with great love and pride. In reading about Maxine in the countless articles, it is easy to understand what a remarkable person Maxine was. We are all at a loss. With Sincere Regrets, Mike, Andrea, Ryan and Lauren Bowers
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family!!!
We are so sorry for your loss of your beloved daughter!! May God and HIS son Jesus give your family peace within. God Bless you. Our prayers are with you.
We did not know your beautiful daughter but as VT graduates and parents of Vt graduates we are in disbelief of what has happened. May God be with your family during this sad time. Our prayers are with you. Your child will never be forgotten. With deepest sympathy, The Griffin Family Durham, NC
I was privileged to have Maxine in my Technical Writing class last year and remember her as a cheerful member of the class as well as an accomplished and intelligent young woman. I am horribly shaken by this loss and extend my deepest sympathies to her family and friends. With great respect, Leslie Neilan
May God bring you peace and strength during this time of loss. Everytime I think about the victims it makes me cry. There were so many precious lives lost. God bless you.
We re all so touched by the tragedy at Virginia Tech. Please know we are all thinking of you and are very sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Michelle Osgood & Family
May God’s Love strengthen and keep you, my deepest sympathy I pray for the Turners family- Maxine you’ll be missed but never forgotten. “I WILL LIFT UP MY EYES”
I did not know your beautiful daughter, but as a 2002 Hokie, I know people who did, who waited to see how she was, who were devastated when they heard, and through them I have come to love her and miss her very much. I am so sorry for all you are going through and I pray for your family during this difficult time.
The children of Virginia Tech have become our children. No one will ever be able to understand “why,” for any explanation escapes the imagination, so we pray for the one thing we all can understand…we pray for peace for your heart and your pain. A Texas Family…..
I found this site from the VT website. I don’t know you, but I wanted to prove that you have an entire nation and world mourning with you. May God be with you and your family. Julie
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time. Always look to the sky for the brightest star and you will find your loved one smiling down on you. God Bless You and may the love from so many hearts across this Country give you Peace.
I didn’t know her but I feel the need to express my heartfelt sorrow for her loss. I have children her age and I cannot begin to imagine the depth of your grief. Please know that your are in my prayers.
May God bless you through this awful tragedy. I am a parent and can only imagine the heartache you must be suffering. You, as well as all the others families affected by this are all in my prayers.
As a mother and a student I am truly heartbroken over the tremendous loss bestowed upon a family I don’t even know. With tears in my eyes, sadness on my face, and faith in my heart, I offer my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Maxine. May her spirit live on in all those who loved her. May She rest in peace.
Words can express to you the deepest sympathy that goes out to you and your family. Our thoughts are with you and on this day we now have another angel to look over us. Dodd Family
We are sorry for your loss at this difficult time.May you find the strength to get through this.Yours sincerely,fiona Johnstone
As a VT grad, I wanted to share my thoughts and deepest sympathy at the loss of your daughter. I did not know her directly but as a Hokie, I am proud to have learned about her. Proud of who she was and the life she was leading. I will keep her and your family in my prayers and she will never be forgotten. May God comfort you and may you feel today that you are not alone in your mourning. As Hokies, I know we are all dedicated to carry on the memory of your loving child. God Bless you all today and always. Kelley – Class of 1995
May God Bless you and your family during this diffcult time. God has another beautiful angel to watch over us
Paul, although it’s been many years since we worked together at PRC, your family is in my prayers at this incredibly sad time. Although I’m now in California, Virginia was my home for many years and it deeply saddens me to see so many beautiful lives taken away so tragically and suddenly, particularly your daughter’s. I can’t imagine what you must feel and my heart goes out to your entire family. Cherish the memories you have of your daughter! With deep sympathy,
I do not know your family, but I feel your pain many miles away. I pray that you have the strength to continue and know that Maxine is in a better place. God Bless.
It is so difficult to find the right words in this senseless situation. Please know that people all over the country are praying for you and thinking of your family and friends during this time. May your memories of Maxine make you smile and bring you peace. Joy Garrelts Oakland, Oregon
May God ease the pain of the loss of your precious Angel. As a fellow Warhawk I will cry, pray, and hope all of our children will be as strong and brave as the Hokie spirit! God Bless The Turner Family, Vienna, James Madison High School, Blacksburg, Virginia Tech, and the entire Hokie Nation, the Maroon Tide will rise!
Heaven must be a brighter place with the arrival of the VT students and professors. The tragedy of this day will long be remembered…another tragic day in the life of America. As the mom of the three children, my heart hurts with you, my questions are unanswered, and my prayers hold each of you. May you find strength in the days ahead as you recall the wonderful times you shared with your beautiful daughter. May those memories bring smiles through the tears . . for I am sure she is safe in God’s arms. Bless you all.
We are strangers, yet family through Jesus Christ our Lord, and Hokie family, as we have a son at VT. Please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of Maxine. I pray you will feel God’s arms holding you close and supporting you, and by your faith, know that Maxine is also held in His arms. God Bless.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad time in your life. We know that Maxine is in a happy place and will never feel pain again. May God be with you all forever.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers at this time – may God comfort you with His love –
As parents of a VT student we know that the memory of your wonderful daughter will forever be honored in this community. Remember the joys that your daughter brought to this world and may these memories give you some comfort. God Bless you.
We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
May God Bless and comfort you in your time of grief.
Deepest condolences and strongest support in these difficult times.
I am a stranger and did not know Maxine but want to offer my heartfelt sympathy. I pray her spirit surrounds you with love and that you are comforted by The Lord’s embrace. You are not alone.
Please accept our deepest sympathy for the loss of your daughter. As parents of a VT student, our love and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
As a Hokie Alumni, I want to send you my deepest sympathy. VA Tech is a better place because Maxine was a student there. May God sustain you through this difficult time, and know that Hokie alums nationwide are praying for you all.
Dear Turners, I live in Alexandria, VA & I still get the e-mail news letters now, but the Holy Comforter was my home church. While at Radford University (the 1st time), I used to go over to Virginia Tech to square dance with the Tech Trompers square dance club on Sundays &/or going dancing with them out of town on Saturday nights. Socializing with the Tompers got me through some tough times I was having while at RU in the late 70’s & early 80’s. I’m sad & heartbroken about the tragedy over at my sister school to RU (Virginia Tech). I send my hopes, prayers, & condolences for your family & the rest of the Virginia Tech community, friends, & alumni.
I am a stranger and never knew Maxine. I still want to let you your family know that my prayers and thoughts are with you at this unbearable time. Know that Maxine is still with you no matter where you are and you will be together again. May God bless your family..
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. All ODSL players will honor Maxine with a moment of silence before their games.
I am very sorry for your loss. Please know that all of the Turner family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I just wanted to let you know there are alot of people all over the world including Canada that are sending there condolences to all the loved ones of the people you have lost and know that i pray for you all in this unbearable time…God Bless
i am so very sorry for your loss your family and friends are in my prayers
Dear Paul and Family~ My sincere condolences to you and all who new your beautiful daughter. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Fondly, Robin
As a Hokie parent, my thoughts and prayers go out to your family. I know Maxine will be at peace and in the hands of God.
I will be keeping your lovely daughter in my prayers; my son is just two days younger than Maxine was. May a loving God comfort your family throughout your days.
My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this time of grief.
I am a stranger to your family but my prayers go out to family Turner. May God give you all the strenght that you need to get pass this. Which the loss of a child will never heal, but God is with you and your family. God Bless You
My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time period.
May you know the country has you in their thoughts and prayers. May God give you strength in the days to come. God Bless
So sorry for your lost. Since death was not God’s intent for mankind, he has lovingly made the way out. The Bible says at Revelation 21:3,4: “God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
I am so sorry for your loss – There are no words to express my condolences… Be rest assured that your beloved Maxine is an Angel enjoying the Pressence of our Lord God Almighty. May Jesus heal your and your family’s heart. My prayers are with you.
I have thought of you, the parents of Maxine, every day and prayed for God to give you comfort and assurance. My daughter knew Maxine and has followed many of the same paths in life as Maxine. Better than mine are my minister’s words about God the potter, and his children, the clay: ” lean into the mystery because there is something and someone there. This is no delusion. The spinning is known by the very source that began the rotation of the wheel in the midst of the darkness of chaos. Order will come for love is stronger than hate, and light is more powerful than darkness. It is true. It must be true for those dear children whose names and pictures we see on TV screens, and it must be true for us all. Look into your unanswered questions, and you will know that below those mysteries there is the One who waits for our questions, and who waits for us. This same deep and abiding presence, who constantly creates and who takes in what we call death, now receives the young unfinished lives of those dear children and competes those lives much like the potter who reshapes the off center clay on the ever spinning wheel. Evil will not win. Darkness is not the final answer. To say so is a “delusion.””
Again, I am a stranger to your family, but I just wanted to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very difficult time. May you know God is watching over you and Maxine is smililng down from above. She is in a place where no pain is felt. She is now an angel from above.God Bless you and your family. The world is praying for everyone that was affected ,in whatever way it might be.
To the beloved family and friends of Maxine, I just wanted to express my heartfelt sympathy to you in the loss of Maxine. She will never be forgotton, her memory will live on in the hearts of so many whose lives she touched. I hope that you can find comfort in that she is living on in a beautiful place. My thoughts and prayers are with you today and always as you are coping with the loss such a wonderful young lady. Sincerely, Pamela
I’m so sorry for your loss. My family has you in our thoughts and prayers. She will be with you always.
“Godspeed”, tiny angel, we will always hold you near. Your in Gods hands now, there is nothing to fear. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Although I did not know Maxine, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time. I have a son in college in New Hampshire. When I first learned of the tragedy at Virginia Tech, I immediately called my son to tell him that I love him. The whole nation mourns with you. I can’t even begin to imagine the tremendous sorrow and grief that you are experiencing. May you find peace and comfort in the days and month ahead. Fondly, Julie Erickson Berlin, CT
The whole nation cries tears with you. Please know that you and your family are in our prayers. May God give you the guidance you need during the rest of your life without you sweet child. God Bless You.
The loss of your daughter is and will continue to be shared by the entire world. I work in an elementary school in Virginia and all of your students from Pre Kind – 5th grade and including the faculty and staff were all dressed in hokie colors on Friday and we observed our moment of silence at 12 Noon in memory of your daughter and the other 31 wonderful people, as did so many people around the world. You are in my thoughts and prayers, With heartfelt sympathy, Charlotte
A nation mourns with you. Their spirit lives on- forever.
To the family of Maxine Turner, our hearts cry with you all. Our prayers are for you as well. I hope that you know that there are so many people praying for you all. I am so sorry for your loss but Maxine is with the Lord now and what better place to be but with him! May God Bless you all and keep his arms around you as you face each and every day. God bless You!
May God Bless this family. I did not know anybody any of the victims but I feel affected indirectly by this. It shocked me and I am afraid it could happen anywhere. God Bless you! Whitney Gordon
I wish to express my deepest condolences to the family of Maxine Turner. Your beloved daughter was brutally murdered in a senseless manner just before she was scheduled to graduate college. She was killed in the prime of her life when she had so much to offer the world. I cannot begin to imagine your grief as bereaved parents because I am not a parent. But I extend my hand and heart to you in your darkest hour when you are enduring a parent’s worst nightmare: the brutal murder of your beloved child. I am with you in your sorrow.
I am the mother of a son at UVA and a teenaged daughter. To the dear family of Maxine, I say there is no such thing as a stranger, and I want you to know there is one more person out there who will always hold you in her heart. I am grateful for the opportunity to reach out to you, and I hope this brings some measure of comfort, however small. The world is with you in this time of unspeakable sorrow. Love, and Peace. Deborah Henry, Beverly Massachusetts
With each new dawn may your healing continue. May you find a place where answers don’t matter. But faith, love , family and friends do. May you again find dreams in your life and the strength to achieve them. And know there is an abundance of prayers For you and your family. I did not know Maxine, but I know your pain, and you are in my thoughts and heart during this time. God Bless
So sorry for your loss. My prayer is that God brings you strength and comfort during this most difficult time. I know God has welcomed your daughter with open arms. A former hokie – Shelly
Please accept my deepest sympathies in the loss of your daughter and sister, Maxine. I am so very sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please also know that there are strangers that share in your grief and wishing that your family should not have to go this this horrible experience. Being a parent of college children, I cannot imagine what you have been through. May God give you peace.
Dear Paul, We worked together many years ago at PRC. Your kindness to others and love of your family defined you. My heart aches for you, Susan and Anthony as you grieve the loss of Maxine. I offer my prayers and deepest sympathies. Very Respectfully, Susan (Thien) Reynolds and family
From our Family to yours.. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all. God Bless You! Love, The Sprouse Family
My deepest sympathies…your family has been in my prayers since I learned of this senseless tragedy. I hope to meet this exceptional, beautiful young lady, Ms. Maxine Turner, in heaven one day. Please stay strong as thte nation grieves with you…
My condolences and my prayers. God bless you. Ciao
I am the mother of a Virginia Tech. student and my heart goes out to you for the loss of your beautiful daughter. My thoughts and prayers are with you during your time of loss. May God grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, and the courage to change the things that you can. God Bless!
I am a complete stranger, and I cannot begin to imagine the sorrow your family is experiencing and will continue to experience. I just have to say, you are in my prayers. May you find peace!
To the Family of Maxine Shelly Turner. I do not know you nor did I know your beautiful daugher Maxine. My husband and I and the entire world grieve for your family on the loss of your daughter. We all prayed for her and all the other victims and families this morning at McLean Bible Church. We are keeping all of you in thoughts and prayers. May God be with each and every one touched by this terrible event.
To Her Family, Having Maxine in the majority of my ChemE classes was so much fun. She always smiled, never said anything bad about anyone, and could put a smile on anyone’s face. It breaks my heart that such a bright and talented woman was taken from us in such a manner. I want you to know that we at VT and AIChE will never forget her and will do everything to keep her memory and life a part of the curriculum at VT. AIChE is in the process of generating a plaque in her honor to be hung in the ChemE lounge and will make sure she has a seat saved for her at graduation. I am so sorry for your loss. Sincerely, Andrea Lance
I am a Mother, I weep deeply. So many are praying for all the families, we pray you can feel them. God is here, He knows and loves you. It was not in vain, watch and listen for the blessings. It’s so hard, so hard for me, I cannot imagine your sadness. Lean on HIM. God blessings to you, so very sincerely, Sally Coleman
As a Mother of a graduate I share in your grief. She was a beautiful child.
I don’t know you but I share in your grief and have been praying for you and all the families. Your daughter was a beautiful girl, and we’ll never know why she was taken, but I ask God to give you peace eventually.
I prayed for all of you this a.m. while in church. May you know there are millions of us all over the world praying for all of you grieving today. I have two young sons and cannot begin to imagine the heartache. I pray our Lord and Savior comforts you today and in all your days.
As Loving Parents and Friends of VT. You will be in our prayers. God Bless you and your family. Brian, Melissa and Matthew
Dear Family, Our heartfelt sympathy to all. May your memories bring you much comfort. You will remain in our thoughts and prayers forever. Sincerely, Family of Mitchell Elben, VT CE 08
What can a mother say…I shed your tears and pray that times will get easier. God bless you and your family. The Johnston Family
May God continue to give you all strength. Your family is in my heart and prayers. From a VA Tech.Alumni’s mom.
To the Turner family: I am so sorry for your loss. May God wrap his arms around you all and may you find total comfort in him. I am so sure that Maxine was a fine woman and may she always remain in every one hearts. Leabert, Dawn, Shenque, Oshin, Sherdeana, and Kevron Brooks
With prayers for all of you – may her Memory be eternal!
We are one HOKIE nation…supporting each other with many prayers for your comfort and healing. We graduated VT in 1993 and as such dont know your daughter. However, we will remember her in our prayers as a bright young woman filled with promise.
My thoughts are with you and your family. May the memories of your daughter and sister bring you through this difficult time and those that may come in the future. Take pride in the lovely person that you brought up and know that Maxine’s memory will live on through all those that she touched. God Bless you all.
Dear Turner Family, I am sorry for the loss of your loved one. May God give you the strength to overcome this tragic event. You and your family are in my prayers.
My prayers are with you and your loved ones. I am so very sorry for your loss. May God Bless all who were affected by this tragic event.
Dear Paul & Suzanne, Our thoughts are with you during this terrible time. I still remember Max as that little darling running around our desks back in Alexandria. It rips my heart out that she is not with us anymore. Know that we will always be your friends even if oceans apart. Love, Gary Kieffer & Sandi Dale
I am so very sorry for your tragedy. I hope one day you will find comfort in memories of your daughter. With sincere sympathy, Diana
Maxine was a student in my AP Statistics class at James Madison High School. She was one of the brightest students I have ever had, and was truly mathematically gifted. I recall her desire to become an engineer. We will never understand why that desire was cut short at the eleventh hour. Maxine touched so many lives and I am honored to have been one of them.
To Paul, Susan and Anthony; The cherished memories , the love and the pride is eternal. She will be always remembered. Our hearts go out to you. Jim, Carly and Jake
My friends and I went to school with Max in high school. I had the priveldge of spending time with her. She was a beautiful person and heaven is blessed having her around. My sympathies to your family. The world loses a perfection.
To the family, While Maxine and I only met a few times at the occasional school event, I am deeply saddened by her passing. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. I feel honored to have met her. With great sympathy, Kim Pugh
Our sympthy goes to you and your family on the loss of your daughter. May god bless you all in your lost. Maxine is watching over all of you to make sure are all safe.
Susan, Paul, Anthony and Ted: Susan, I will always treasure our talks at Oak Marr; I feel like I personally watched Max grow up. I feel honored and blessed to have shared in a small way Max’s extraordinary life. The world has lost a fun loving, kind and brilliant soul. We will never understand why she was taken so young; rest assured we will never forget Max and her fellow VA Tech students and teachers. My heart is broken and I can’t even begin to comprehend the pain you and your family are feeling. Please know we all grieve for Max and this tragedy. I pray that you and your family will someday find happiness and serenity.
Weeping may endure for a night but God Will send you comfort in the later night hour. God Bless the Turner family. No words can express the sympathy I feel for you over the loss of your beautiful daughter, sister and granddaughter. Lean on the loving mercy of the Lord during these extremely difficult days ahead.
Our prayer and thoughs are with your family in such difficult time. May GOD be with all of your family. With all our Respect.
I did not have the privilege of knowing your daughter, I only speak from the heart of a mother myself. Only you can understand the pain your feel in your loss, the emptiness in your heart. I only pray that in time you can move on and find peace. May God be with you and your family. You will be in my prayers…..
From Frank and Amber – our daughter is one of Maxine’s close friends from VT. We wish to express our sympathy to your family in this time of great grief. You are in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord bless you with His comfort in the long road ahead.
Your daughter, a Senior, befriended our son Elliott, a Tech Freshman, during the Fall ’07 semester. We are forever grateful for the friendship that Maxine extended to our son, and deeply, painfully saddened by your loss. Please accept our condolences, and know that your daughter, and the others who were taken from us that horrible morning, will never be far from our thoughts, and our son’s, for as long as we live.
Paul Turner and Family: We were so saddened to hear of your loss of Maxine. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. May God be with you and your family and give you his comfort.
The Madison High School Orchestra Board 2003-2004 would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the Turner family for the loss of their daughter, Maxine. We fondly remember Maxine’s many contributions to the JMHS Orchestra program during her time at Madison. Our children have shared with each of us their memories of Maxine, and they were blessed to have known her.
In the twinkling of an eye, In the softly swirling sand, Your precious and beloved, Gently took their Master’s hand. Do not weep for them oh loved one, Nor grieve forever more. They now rest in constant love, On a far and distant shore. On a far and distant shore. Can’t you hear the sounds of trumpets? Shofar’s call ,Temple Bells now zing! Listen to your precious, As Alleluia’s now they sing. As Alleluia’s now they sing. Teresa C Biggs Copyright ©2007 Teresa C Biggs MA Ed -CPAP-Virginia Tech, Class of 1978
May God bless and comfort you. My prayers and best wishes are with you in this time. God bless!
Dearest Turner Family, and Loved Ones of Maxine, I did not have the privilege of knowing your beloved daughter, sister, grandaughter and friend, although I wanted to express my deepest condolences and sympathies to all of you. The nation, and the world grieves with you over your tremendous loss. Please know that you have been, and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. May the God of all comfort, truly comfort you in this time of grief, and forever more. God Bless you all. Sincerely yours, Aimee Sutton
My heart grieves for your family over the loss of your beautiful and talented daughter. Please know that other Hokie parents share in your sorrow. May you receive the Grace and Comfort that only our dear Lord can provide. Sharon Andrus
Dear Turner and Malinowski Family, Though I did not know Maxine personally, as a mother of two daughters near her age, I can feel what a terrible loss this is for you. My heart aches for you, and I am holding each of you in prayer. There are no words to take away the pain or explain what has happened. But there is love for one another. Nothing can change that. Sending you much love.
I did not know Maxine, but I wish to express my sincere sorrow at her passing. I hope that all those who mourn her loss will find peace.
My thougts and prayers is with the family Iam so sorry for your lost GOD BLESS YOU
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. Please accept my sincere condolences. I am thinking of you.
Although we didn’t know Maxine, our daughter Sierra did. She tells us what a beautiful person Maxine was both inside and out. Our hearts go out to you and your family. Know the love that Maxine shared with others reaches out still.
Dear Turner and Malinowski Family, Our thoughts and prayers are with Maxine and with you. Although we did not know Maxine, we are by your side as you go through this period. Sending you much love. the Dominicks
Dear Turner Family, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. Even though I did not know Maxine or your family, I felt like I needed to extend my deepest sympathy to all of you. We will all be praying for Maxine and your whole family during this terrible time. God Bless Maxine, and your whole family. Stay strong, God Bless, and take care. Lori Pelletier
Like so many, I don’t know you but just wanted to add my words that I am so sorry this horrible tragedy took the life of your beautiful daughter. I know words must seem so meaningless at a time like this, but please know they come from the heart. I didn’t know your daughter, however, I did graduate from Madison. My younger sister Lori knew your daughter from JMHS high school orchestra. She told me Maxine was always smiling. It is obvious that your daughter contributed much to the world, the world is poorer for her loss and the contributions she would have continued to made. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your precious daughter and sister. May God give you the strength to sustain you during all the years ahead, until that day when you will again see your precious Maxine.
You did not deserve this.
I am so sorry for your loss. I do not know your daughter but I have children of my own. I just cannot wrap myself around what you must be going through. No parent should have to bury a child taken from this world with such cruelty. I live many miles away from you but the tragedy seems to hit close to home. I wanted to let you all know that we are praying for you all down here in South Florida.
I pray for peace for all of and friends. Since this tragic event, I have kept all of the families of lost loved ones in my prayers. May God grant you peace, grace and ability to forgive. I can imagine all the emotions and the feelings that you are going through. We feel your pain and we hold you up in prayer. May the Lord come and fill the pain with His peace and give you His comfort.
You do not know me, but I want to be that kind of person, who sends love, prayers, & support in your time of mourning! I can not possibly feel the same exact ache that you are feeling right now, but I hurt for you, & want to say, that I am so very sorry that you are having to go through this horrible time of loss! May God Bless & keep you & somehow send his angels to comfort you!
Dear Susan & Paul, I still cannot believe that this has happend to your beautiful daughter, Maxine. Mr. Norm Hatch has sent me an E-mail to let me know about this tragedy. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. When I first met Maxine, she was just 3 or 4 years old. She was so bright and so lovely. She smiled a lot, just like her mother. Please accept my sincere condolences. I am thinking of you from Japan.
Please accept our deepest sympathy. Know, too, that our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you today and in days to come. We are strangers but yet very much a part of the same family – the family of God. Continue to lean on Him for all of your needs. The stories we read about your daughter are a great tribute to the person she was and will continue to be in the people left behind.
Dear Paul and Family, I just wanted to express my most sincere condolences to you. I am so saddened by your loss. Your daughter sounds like such a lovely person with what should have been a great future ahead of her. I am so impressed that she had started up her own sorority for women engineering students. I am sure you were all so proud of her. Best wishes to all of you. I am thinking of you. Love, Amy
On behalf of the National Capital Region’s Virginia Tech Alumni Association chapter, our thoughts and prayers are with the Turner family during this difficult time. The entire VT community is mourning Maxine’s passing with you… and she will not be forgotten. God Bless.
The memorey of the just is blessed in the sight of the Lord. May you know that You are prayed for by maney here in chicago. Keep your eyses on heaven and your heart connected to love for your daughter.
God Bless your family through this time. May God give you strength to get through this journey not a bad one,but a good one.
Susan, Paul and Anthony, Mi and I send you all our love. Our hearts hurt along with yours. May you be sustained and comforted by your family and many friends. Please know we are with you. LuAnne
I am so sorry for your loss. May your memories sustain you during this sad time. My prayers are with you.
I am so sorry for your loss and the pain your family and friends are enduring. I only hope that the prayers being sent help comfort you in your time of need. God Bless you all. Love and strength coming from California,
i am so sorry for your loss and god be with you and your family through this ordeal. you all will be in my prayers GOD BLESS
The Madison High School Orchestra Board 2002-2003 would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the Turner family for the loss of their daughter, Maxine. We fondly remember Maxine’s many contributions to the JMHS Orchestra program during her time at Madison. Our children have shared with each of us their memories of Maxine, and they were blessed to have known her.
No one knows why our loved ones are taken away… May God grant you the strength to get through your sorrow until you are able to breath again. Our thoughts and Prayers are with you! ~ Leclerc Family
I work for Eastman in Mexico City and when I found out about what happened I felt extremely sad. I didn’t know Maxine but I heard very nice things about her from other co-workers in the U.S. My prayers are with you.
May God be with you, your family and friends during this difficult time. You are in my prayers.
We send heartfelt condolences to your Family for you have truly lost a GEM. May God Bless you all and everyone lost a loved one!
We send heartfelt condolences to your Family for you have truly lost a GEM. May God Bless you all and everyone who lost a loved one!
With deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved daughter, sister and granddaughter.
I did not know Maxine personally, however we attended school together. I am 2 years older and never had the honor of knowing her. From everything I have heard, you had an amazing daughter. I am truely sorry for your loss, and know she is in heaven watching down on all of us. Your family and her friends are in my prayers.
Dear Paul, Susan, Anthony and Ted, Imagine and Maxine will be with you. Imagine and you will feel Maxine in your heart. Imagine. God bless you all, Maxine does. Love, Jody and Geoff McNamara and family
I am so sorry for your loss. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. -Kristy Gooch and Family
I am truly sorry for your loss. The world lost an amazing daughter, sister, and friend. A memory is a keepsake of time that lives forever in the heart. May her memory live on forever.
My deepest, heartfelt condolences for the loss of your beautiful daughter, sister and granddaughter. She will never be forgotten. -A proud Hokie
Just wishing Maxine’s family peace and sending lots of prayers. May God surround you and ease your sorrow with the healing memory that your daughter’s spirit will live on in your heart always, forever and close to you. God bless the Turner family, always, and always, forever and close to you… Lillian Newman
Just wanted to send our deepest and heartfelt sympathy to you at this difficult time. We did not know your daughter but our heart aches with all of those who lost sons and daughters at Virginia Tech. We too have a son in college at UNC-Charlotte and can not imagine the pain you are experiencing at this time. May God wrap his loving arms around you and give you peace and healing at such a difficult time. Our prayers are with you. Craig and Jean McCormick
Just wanted to send my deepest and heartfelt sympathy to you at this difficult time.may god be with u and may she rest in peace!
Dearest Susan and Paul, Although we have never met I send my deepest condolance to you for the tragic loss of your beloved daughter. Her beautiful face and warm smile will live on in the hearts of not only those who knew and loved her but in the hearts of so many others like me.
You are in my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
Turner Family: You and your daughter will forever remain in my thoughts and prayers. May you find comfort in these tragic times. God Bless. Hugs From Heaven (author unknown) When you feel a gentle breeze Caress you when you sigh It’s a hug sent from Heaven From a loved one way up high If a soft and tender raindrop Lands upon your nose They’ve added a small kiss As fragile as a rose If a song you hear fills you With a feeling of sweet love It’s a hug sent from Heaven From someone special up above If you awaken in the morning To a bluebird’s chirping song It’s music sent from Heaven To cheer you all day long If tiny little snowflakes Land upon your face It’s a hug sent from Heaven Trimmed with Angel lace So keep the joy in your heart If you’re lonely my dear friend Hugs that are sent from Heaven A broken heart will mend
Our thoughts and prayers from Blacksburg are with your family. Maxine will always be with us.
To the Turner Family, Our daughter Allison was recently initiated in the engineering sorority and that is how she knew Maxine. Allison had connected with Maxine since they were both chemical engineering majors. Our family sends heartfelt condolences and we are praying for your family during this difficult time, as are many in our church and community. May God grant you comfort and wonderful memories of your precious daughter Maxine.
Dear Anthony and Family, We pray to the Lord that love and friendship from so many will comfort you during this very sad time. With Deepest Sympathy, Spencer’s Grandparents from Arlington, Michael and Christina Spencer
Many many condolences to you. I feel very fortunate to have had Maxine’s friendship since we were 13. She will be missed!!
I am so very sorry for your loss. I did not know Maxine but she was a beautiful girl that had a lot going for her. I know the road will be hard from here on out but knowing that she is in a better place, I hope you can find comfort and peace. My prayers ar with you.
To the Turner Family: I worked with Paul for many years at PRC. My heart goes out to the family. May it comfort you to know that all of your friends are thinking of you and your family and you are being remembered in our prayers.Words cannot express what you all must feel at this time.
Her name will be remembered as an INSPIRATION of life. I will pray for her, knowing the WONDERFULL place souls like hers deserve.
On behalf of the Virginia Tech alumni in the DC area who will not be able to visit the family this week, please accept our condolences. Many of us may not have had the pleasure of knowing Maxine personally but knowing that she was a Hokie makes her part of our family.
Family & Friends from Norwich England mourn with you for your very sad loss.Maxine was a remarkable young lady.Paul,Susan and Anthony are very connected with Norwich England, so we would just like to say Please God Keep Maxine Safely In Your Care, as we say farewell to a little English Rose
Please remember This young woman prays for the brokenhearted with you. Please email or call anytime. God does heal. Pain is true, but healing is true and possible. You are remembered in prayer daily. Be healed and live. In the love of God. Lyn
Your family will forever be in my everyday thoughts and prayers. I pray for your healing…may Maxine forever rest peacefully.
I met Maxine in the company during her graduation project with Milliken on Feb 1st this year (a snow day). She was a very good student a nice lady. Life is a candle in the wind.
We did not know Maxine but we want you to know that we share in your grief with the rest of the world. We are so very sorry for your loss and may God give you the strength to pull through this.
Dear Paul, Susan, and Anthony: Please accept my deepest and heartfelt sympathies over your loss of someone so precious. Maxine was a wonderful person and full of life. We had interacted several times as part of her Senior Design Project between Va Tech and Milliken Chemical. As I last visted Va Tech for a project review on Friday, April 13th, her passing was very traumatic. May God our Savior assuage any anger over this horrific loss, comfort you with His love, and keep you during this difficult time.
Each soul is a beautiful flower that passes from this earth only to bloom anew in Heaven’s garden. May the Lord, who has taken one of earth’s sweetest flowers into Heaven’s own garden, comfort you in your sadness. I am mourning with you.
Maxine and my sister became best friends in grade school. After meeting her and getting to know her, I knew then that she would become a phenomenal young woman. Maxine touched so many lives. She was a shining example of grace, beauty, intelligence and kindness in life and she will be remembered as such in death. She should be an example to all. I offer my sincere condolences to the Turner family. God bless. You are all in my prayers.
I did not know Maxine or any of the other innocent people who were taken away to soon on that Monday morning. But I do stand with all of you and the rest of the world grieving for everybody involved. My sincerest condolences are sent out to everyone and may they all rest in peace.
While it wasn’t my privilege to know Maxine, I want you to know that I am praying for you and your family. I hope that God will, somehow, comfort you and heal you of the pain from this unthinkable loss. We were blessed to have Maxine in the Virginia Tech family, and we will not forget her. May her memory be eternal.
Our deepest sympathy.
To Paul and Family from another former PRC coworker. I send my heartfelt condonences. Your daughter sounds like she was such a wonderful young woman. We are all so very saddened by this loss. God bless you.
Dear Anthony & Turner Family My deepest sympathy goes out for you for your terrible loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you aduring this difficult and time.
Dear Anthony & Turner Family My deepest sympathy goes out for you for your terrible loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult and time.
We are so sorry for your loss, you will be in our thoughts & prayers through this difficult time.
Dear Ted, Susan, Paul and Anthony: Please know that we hold you all in our hearts and our prayers. We were privileged to meet your daugther. She was a fine young woman who accomplished much in her short life. She leaves a legacy of love in all our hearts. We will remember with you. Jane and Bob Moser, members of your Oak Marr family.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.
Please accept our deepest condolences for the loss of young Maxine, a shining HOKIE star – from a parent and the Longhorn family at The University of Texas at Austin. The eyes of Texas are upon you, and they are filled with tears.
Turner Family, You are in our thought and prayers…
Paul & Susan Carol & I wanted to express our deepest heartfelt sympathy over the tragic loss of your beautiful and talented daughter Maxine. Carol & Frank Davis
The staff of Special Collections and University Archives at the University Libraries send you our most sincere condolences. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are establishing an archive to emoralize and honor the faculty and students who died on 4/16.
I was touched deeply when reading about Maxine’s life. I am a Virginia Tech College of Engineering alumnus, class of 1998. I never knew your daughter until this terrible tragedy. I came to the visitation yesterday evening in an effort to be closer to her and those she loved. I cannot begin to comprehend the grief you are feeling, and I know Maxine will be missed terribly for as long as you live. Please know that your daughter’s memory and legacy lives on through all the people she knew and even those she never met. Your daughter was an inspiration. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and please know that you are all in our hearts and prayers.
I was at the memorial service on Monday and as I watched the white balloons dance off into heaven I thought how peaceful. They all went in the same direction and disappeared quickly as if they were in a hurry to make a journey. I am sure God was speaking to them. Once through a trying time for our family someone told me God does not make bad things happen he is there to help us through them. Everyone has a angel to watch over them and Maxine will be one of the most beautiful ones. God Bless Your Family! Teresa VT
May you take comfort in knowing the whole world is praying for your family along with all the other families who lost someone in this tragic event. May God bless you and your family.
Paul and family as a friend and fellow PRC coworker, it is with sincere heartfelt sadness for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I know there are few words that can express the the loss of a loved one so young. May God Bless!!
I did not know your loved one or any of the others that were lost. However, I wanted you to know that I am praying that God will hold you in the palm of his hand and lift the burden in your heart. May your sorrow take refuge in the memories that you have. God bless you all.
Love and prayers are with you today and in the days ahead. May you draw strength from them. May you feel the embrace of our Heavenly Father who loves Maxine and us all the most. Blessings and abundant Peace from above. “But love will last forever! Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! But when full understanding comes, these partial things will become useless . . .Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely” 1 Cor. 13:8-10,12
We are so saddened by all that happened with everyone at Va. Tech. Maxine was a bright star on the horizon – her presence with all of us will be missed. The Eustace family
So saddened by the loss of your loved one .May the Lord bring you comfort and strength that only He can give.Our thoughts and prayers are with you-
Maxine like many others that sad day in april, have touched the hearts of countless people everywhere. When we get discouraged with the thought of this world being frought with evil, remember that tragedy such as this can and is meant to break down all emotional barriers in which we human beings build. It brings us together, not only to grieve but to love one another like nothing else. Celebrate Maxine’s accomplishments in life. Her story will continue to inspire…forever. God Bless. Persevere. -Jake