Pamela Buss Inman

September 11, 1946 ~ August 19, 2022
Our beloved Pam (Geepa) went home to be with her Lord and Savior in the early hours of the morning of August 19, 2022. She died peacefully in Fairfax, Virginia. A resident of Virginia for many years during her adult life and again at the end of her life, Pam was an immeasurable blessing to countless people, and she was truly unique to all of us.
She was born in Whittier, California, to loving parents and an older brother, all of whom adored her for her sweet, gentle, thoughtful spirit. Her father’s job took the family all over the world, including to Puerto Rico, where she grew up. For the rest of her life, she had a heart for Spanish-speaking people and loved recounting stories and speaking with people in Spanish.
Pam married Charles (“Chuck”) Priestley Inman, Jr. in 1970, after meeting him when the two were students at the University of Richmond, where Pam graduated with honors. Chuck’s career took the couple to many locations, including Austin, Texas where they had their son, Houston, Texas, Miami, Florida, back to Richmond and more recently to Princeton, New Jersey. Later in life, she took mission trips with Chuck and their church to Honduras, where she used her passion for Christ and love of children to sponsor several children and assist teams by translating conversations and teaching children.
In every place Pam lived, she developed meaningful relationships, due to her caring, thoughtful spirit. Pam greeted everyone she encountered with a smile, a warm welcome, and a genuine happiness about seeing them. Instead of speaking of herself, she preferred to inquire about others and genuinely learn about and care for them. She had a heart for children and, at certain times in her life, instructed preschool-age children, all of whom she blessed with her patient, gentle nature. Most of all, Pam was well-known to select beautiful greeting cards and pen lengthy, heartfelt messages to friends and family. She did this with such frequency that many often wondered how she could accomplish it. She took joy in doing it.
She was instrumental in assisting Chuck with the Battle Against Hunger, an organization that she and Chuck began alongside close friends in 2002. Pam volunteered countless hours and joined Chuck in ensuring that the organization could bless as many people as possible, via donations that go directly to organizations such as soup kitchens, shelters, and places the Lord uses to bless the least of these. After Chuck’s untimely, sudden death in 2014, Pam sought to continue blessing the organization.
Pam’s Christian faith was her foundation. She was undoubtedly secure in knowing that, once the Lord called her home, she would joyfully arrive at heaven’s gate to meet her departed husband and others about whom she cared. Attending church services and consistently learning Scripture gave Pam joy. Given her sweet, peaceful spirt, it is not surprising that she often leaned on Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.”
Pam is survived by her son, Charlie Inman (Katie), granddaughter Sydney and grandson Andrew, her brother, Douglass Buss, sister-in-law, Barbara Buss, and Chuck’s sister, Carol. Her nieces and nephew also held a special place in her heart.
A memorial service will occur at Greenspring Chapel on the campus of Greenspring Senior Living Community in Springfield, Virginia, on September 11, 2022 at 2pm. Interment will follow at a later date at Arlington National Cemetery, where she will be laid to rest with Chuck.
Chapel Service: The events will start at 3:00 PM sharp at the Old Post Chapel at Ft. Myer.
The address is 204 Lee Ave, Fort Myer, VA 22211.
This service is led by the U.S. Army and they are very punctual. Guests must arrive no later than 2:30pm.
Please note that this chapel is located on Joint Base Ft. Myer/Henderson which is an active military base. Therefore, ALL attendees 16 and older MUST have a valid IDto enter the base (that means each person 16 or older in a vehicle), and your car is subject to inspection upon arrival. Please allow extra time for this process. We suggest you arrive between 1:45 - 2:15 at the gate to allow ample time for inspection and then driving to the chapel.
We anticipate the chapel service taking 30 minutes.
Please note that you will NOT head directly to the main ANC gate, but rather directly to the chapel on Ft. Myer.
You can find out more details by visiting the Chapel page on ANC's website here:
Graveside Portion:
Immediately upon completion of the chapel service we will DRIVE to the graveside for the burial.
The procession will be led by the Funeral Director from Arlington National Cemetery.
There will be parking along the road next to the grave, but you may need to walk a bit depending on the amount of attendees.
Dad's grave, where Mom will be buried, is in Section 55. If you do not make it to the chapel service, you can meet us at Section 55 for the Graveside Portion.
Immediately following the Graveside Portion we will head to the Officer's Club back on Ft. Myer, near the Old Post Chapel, for a reception.
The address is 214 Jackson Ave, Fort Myer, VA 22211.
We will NOT have an escort by the Funeral Director from the burial site to the Officer's Club, but it shouldn't be too difficult to get to as you can navigate back up to the club through the cemetery.
She was born in Whittier, California, to loving parents and an older brother, all of whom adored her for her sweet, gentle, thoughtful spirit. Her father’s job took the family all over the world, including to Puerto Rico, where she grew up. For the rest of her life, she had a heart for Spanish-speaking people and loved recounting stories and speaking with people in Spanish.
Pam married Charles (“Chuck”) Priestley Inman, Jr. in 1970, after meeting him when the two were students at the University of Richmond, where Pam graduated with honors. Chuck’s career took the couple to many locations, including Austin, Texas where they had their son, Houston, Texas, Miami, Florida, back to Richmond and more recently to Princeton, New Jersey. Later in life, she took mission trips with Chuck and their church to Honduras, where she used her passion for Christ and love of children to sponsor several children and assist teams by translating conversations and teaching children.
In every place Pam lived, she developed meaningful relationships, due to her caring, thoughtful spirit. Pam greeted everyone she encountered with a smile, a warm welcome, and a genuine happiness about seeing them. Instead of speaking of herself, she preferred to inquire about others and genuinely learn about and care for them. She had a heart for children and, at certain times in her life, instructed preschool-age children, all of whom she blessed with her patient, gentle nature. Most of all, Pam was well-known to select beautiful greeting cards and pen lengthy, heartfelt messages to friends and family. She did this with such frequency that many often wondered how she could accomplish it. She took joy in doing it.
She was instrumental in assisting Chuck with the Battle Against Hunger, an organization that she and Chuck began alongside close friends in 2002. Pam volunteered countless hours and joined Chuck in ensuring that the organization could bless as many people as possible, via donations that go directly to organizations such as soup kitchens, shelters, and places the Lord uses to bless the least of these. After Chuck’s untimely, sudden death in 2014, Pam sought to continue blessing the organization.
Pam’s Christian faith was her foundation. She was undoubtedly secure in knowing that, once the Lord called her home, she would joyfully arrive at heaven’s gate to meet her departed husband and others about whom she cared. Attending church services and consistently learning Scripture gave Pam joy. Given her sweet, peaceful spirt, it is not surprising that she often leaned on Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.”
Pam is survived by her son, Charlie Inman (Katie), granddaughter Sydney and grandson Andrew, her brother, Douglass Buss, sister-in-law, Barbara Buss, and Chuck’s sister, Carol. Her nieces and nephew also held a special place in her heart.
A memorial service will occur at Greenspring Chapel on the campus of Greenspring Senior Living Community in Springfield, Virginia, on September 11, 2022 at 2pm. Interment will follow at a later date at Arlington National Cemetery, where she will be laid to rest with Chuck.
Chapel Service: The events will start at 3:00 PM sharp at the Old Post Chapel at Ft. Myer.
The address is 204 Lee Ave, Fort Myer, VA 22211.
This service is led by the U.S. Army and they are very punctual. Guests must arrive no later than 2:30pm.
Please note that this chapel is located on Joint Base Ft. Myer/Henderson which is an active military base. Therefore, ALL attendees 16 and older MUST have a valid IDto enter the base (that means each person 16 or older in a vehicle), and your car is subject to inspection upon arrival. Please allow extra time for this process. We suggest you arrive between 1:45 - 2:15 at the gate to allow ample time for inspection and then driving to the chapel.
We anticipate the chapel service taking 30 minutes.
Please note that you will NOT head directly to the main ANC gate, but rather directly to the chapel on Ft. Myer.
You can find out more details by visiting the Chapel page on ANC's website here:
Graveside Portion:
Immediately upon completion of the chapel service we will DRIVE to the graveside for the burial.
The procession will be led by the Funeral Director from Arlington National Cemetery.
There will be parking along the road next to the grave, but you may need to walk a bit depending on the amount of attendees.
Dad's grave, where Mom will be buried, is in Section 55. If you do not make it to the chapel service, you can meet us at Section 55 for the Graveside Portion.
Immediately following the Graveside Portion we will head to the Officer's Club back on Ft. Myer, near the Old Post Chapel, for a reception.
The address is 214 Jackson Ave, Fort Myer, VA 22211.
We will NOT have an escort by the Funeral Director from the burial site to the Officer's Club, but it shouldn't be too difficult to get to as you can navigate back up to the club through the cemetery.
The Owners and Staff at the Money and King Funeral Home, wish to express our sincere sympathy to you. It is our hope that we may be able to make a difficult time more bearable. Please feel free to call us anytime as we are always available to you. Bob Gallagher Funeral Director
Pam was one of the sweetest people I have ever met. I will forever remember her. She was always happy, and always had a smile. We exchanged cards, and I always loved getting Pam’s cards. They were beautiful, and her notes were heartfelt. She loved JESUS and she loved her family and friends. Once when I visited Virginia, Pam wanted to take me to lunch. What a delightful time we had. She was so gracious and made sure I had a great time at lunch and during out visit. I will never forget it. I loved her, and I will miss her so very much. I look forward to the day, when I see her again.
many, many warm memories of dear Pam (and Chuck) fill our hearts with lasting joy and gratitude for the wonderful times we shared over the years together at St. Matthew’s church in Pennington, NJ. we grew beside them in faith through some hard times and good, prayer, love, laughter, tears and always by deeds serving others at church and beyond its doors. the kindness and generosity they expressed toward their employees always touched us. their inspiring lead reverberates in the caring causes they began that continue to help communities in need. but most of all, i will remember (and miss!) the quiet times, during unlikely moments when Pam would take my hand in hers with the loving reassurance that i had a friend. nancy and douglas forer
Pam was a dear friend and sister in the Lord. She’s living now in the presence of the Lord. On this earth she loved Jesus and all things Christian. She exuded kindness and sincerely loved people, and being with people, especially family and friends. She was sympathetic to anyone in distress and wanted to help. She loved plants, animals, children, and all things beautiful. She liked good food (ice cream, anyone?) and having a good laugh. Pam was a trooper extraordinaire. In the middle of her emotional and physical suffering after the accident that took Chuck’s life, she never succumbed to a “poor me” or “why me?” frame of mind. Not saying that she never struggled with it, but she had a strong faith in God’s providence in all things. She was never consumed with anger at the truck driver responsible for the accident, although she must have struggled with that too. She forgave the one who seemed to rob her of more precious time with her beloved husband and all the joyous times they had anticipated having with family and friends and in ministry to the hungry and hurting. In recent years she had so much physical impairment to deal with. She always loved doing for others and felt sad about how little she felt she could do now, outside of sending donations and the gifts and many beautiful cards that were written with so much love and care. But she rarely complained and always maintained a loving disposition and a sense of humor (we appreciated together how different and odd it is to be “old” – how could this have happened?). She wasn’t afraid of dying because she was sure where she would be going, home to be with her loving Lord and the husband she loved so much.
i am so saddened to learn of Pam’s death, yet I know she is joyful to be rejointed with her Chuck. The obituary said so well what a truly wonderful person she was and how each person with whom she spent time feel that they were the most important person in her world. As, in fact they were!! She will truly be missed by many,!!! — God bless you Pam.
Pam was our neighbor in Princeton Walk for 10 years. She loved our kids like her own. When we visited on the holidays with handmade cards and baked goods she always had beautifully wrapped gifts given with a huge smile and hug. She kindly crossed the street while walking the dogs bc she knew I was terrified and I was with my young kids. When she moved, we kept in touch for a long while but it wasn’t the same. She will be sorely missed by all who knew her. Heart and soul of gold.