Paul Richard Woods, Jr.

paul woods, jr.
Paul Richard "Rick" Woods, Jr. on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 of Sterling, Virginia. Beloved husband of Sue Woods, devoted father of Chelsea and Seneca Woods; son of Paul and Alice Woods, brother of Rob Woods, Ginger Katz and her husband Chris and the late Carol Cohen and her husband Gary.; son-in-law of JoAnn Webster.

Memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 33105.

Funeral Home:

Money & King Funeral Home

171 W. Maple Ave.

Vienna, VA

US 22180

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Memories Timeline


  1. Sue, I am so sorry to hear about your husband. My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family. laura Brown

  2. Sue, We are very sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Gary and Saundra

  3. Dear Sue, I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless, Judy

  4. Susan-we remember you and Marie growing up on Tucker Avenue and meeting Rick as a young man at our house with his metal detector and sharing his love of history with my husband Dave. He is at peace now enjoying the simple pleasures which were just beyond his reach on earth. With all our love-Dave, Eileen, Michael, and Nicole

  5. Sue, Know that my prayers are with you and your family. Rick was a good person and I will always treasure the memories..I’m here for you always… KB

  6. Susan,Chelsea,and Seneca, I’m so sorry for your loss. Most people didn’t get to know Rick like I was blessed to know him. He was one of the smartest men that I’ve ever met. I got to work with him for many years and because of him, he has helped to make me successful. He has many friends in the auto industry and he will be greatly missed. The last few years have been rough for him but he always kept people smiling. He loved you guys and that was the thing he talked about the most. I have many funny stories to share. Rick was quite the jokester. God bless you during these hard times. Tony

  7. Dear Sue, I’m so sorry that you lost your husband. I know that you and Rick loved each other very much. I could always hear it in your words and I saw it in the pictures at the visition. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. All our love — Shelly and Bill

  8. Sue – We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Though we have only talked with you at Finks, you have impressed us as a strong, caring, wonderful woman who always has a smile on her face and who is a joy to be around. We hope it brings you comfort to know that we care and are thinking of you. Fondly Floyd & Viki Wellershaus

  9. Susan: I never met a man who so loved being a husband and a father as much as Rick did. I never met anyone who reached out to help so many people, wanting nothing in return, the way that Rick did. He has been a dear friend to me, and I will miss him so much. My heart and prayers are with you and the girls. Love, Lucy

  10. Dear Woods Family, I would like to extend my sincere condolences to each of you. Although we are not acquainted personally, we share the pain of losing a dear loved one in death. May you find comfort in knowing that just as Jesus received power from his heavenly Father to raise back to life his close friend Lazarus (John 11;43,44), he will soon use that same God-given power to resurrect our loved ones sleeping in the grave to live forever under peaceful conditions right here on earth. (John 5;28,29; Rev. 21;3,4; Psalm 83;18) While grief at the loss of Paul is great, joy at receiving Paul in the resurrection will be greater. (Mark 5;42) Please read God’s thoughts and may the loving provision of the resurrection hope brings you peace during this difficult time and the days to come. Take care,

  11. Sue, Chelsea and Seneca our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. We were all saddened to hear of Rick’s passing. Know that his love and will forever be in your hearts. John, Margie, Rachel and Natlie.

  12. Dear Susan, I was deeply saddened when Tony told me about Rick’s passing. Do you remember when Rick and I were relic hunting together about 15 years ago? It was over 16 years ago when I met Rick at Jerry’s Collision Center. He always helped me understand the industry and he taught me how to be more successful. He became a very dear friend very quickly and showed me how much passion someone can exhibit when they are excited about work, or even a hobby. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Chelsea and Seneca during this sad time.

  13. Alice, I was very saddened to hear about the loss of your husband. I never had the opportunity to meet him but I always remember how happy you were when you talked about him. He is in God’s hands now. May God comfort you and keep you.

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