Ronald Clair Francis

ronald  francis
LTC Ronald C. Francis, USA (Ret.), age 64, died on Saturday, July 18, 2015. He was the husband of Sandra K. Francis. Born June 18, 1951 in Toledo, he was the son of the late Leonard and Ethel Francis of Point Place. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his daughters, Katie Moore and her husband, Thomas and Laura Francis; his sisters, Pauline Scharl and Kathy Beaufait. Memorial services will be held at Money and King Funeral Home, 171 W. Maple Ave., Vienna, VA on Wednesday, July 22 at 7:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to LIVESTRONG at

Funeral Home:

Money & King Funeral Home

171 W. Maple Ave.

Vienna, VA

US 22180

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Memories Timeline


  1. We have lost a dear, dear friend. We ask for the Lord’s comfort and presence for Sandi and the girls for this day and for the days ahead.

  2. Ron Francis was one of the most trusted and loyal employees of Concord Crossroads LLC. He began work with us in 2006 and remained with the company until 2015. He was one of the first employees of the company and with his commitment and the respect from the professional community we served made our team a very competitive group. I will forever be grateful to a very loyal friend and professional business partner. Ron was able to produce and complete many almost perfect jobs and missions. Anyone who had contact with Ron could only say they are proud to have been a friend or acquaintance. May God keep my friend Ron, and Bless his family at all times and especially during this period which requires strong faith and courage.

  3. I sure will miss the good times I had working with Ron in the AT Branch!!! Never saw him stressed!!!! I’ll miss seeing good old “Speedy Gonzalez” down at Orlando at the conference!!

  4. What a loss to the Army, the United States, his friends, and family. While I am sure Ron has gone to God, those left behind will miss him. One of those who always managed a smile and to say the right thing. In very few words he made me feel welcome and wanted when I joined the office. Ken

  5. It was my pleasure to know and work with Ron over the past 15+ years. He is dearly missed, especially within the “AT” community. My deepest thoughts and best wishes for family during this time.

  6. Sandy, wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers during this time . I am so sorry for your loss.

  7. Ron, I will miss your subtle humor and the amazing compassion you showed my Pop after Mom passed. You will always be in my heart. You are a model for all of us, a true father and loving husband. Thank you for your many years of service to our country. I salute you as a Soldier, husband, and Father. You’ve set the bar high for us all. I will be proud to salute you at Arlington. May the Lord hold you and prepare you a mansion in heaven. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Hooah!

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