Sarah L. Stom

sarah stom
SARAH L. STOM (Age 52)

Sarah L. Stom, of Reston, VA died on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at Reston Hospital.

Loving wife of 28 years to Didier Stom; devoted and cherished mother of Alex Stom; daughter of Fred (Cornelia) Leser and the late Beverly Ann Leser; sister of Kimberly (Eric) Lanier and aunt of Spencer and Brian Lanier. She is predeceased by her sister Wendy Leser.

Sarah will be missed by her extended family and friends.

I lieu of flowers contributions may be made to the Women's Rights or Women's Health organization of your choice in Sarah's memory.

Funeral Home:

Money & King Funeral Home

171 W. Maple Ave.

Vienna, VA

US 22180

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Memories Timeline


  1. We will always remember Sarah with an h as a beautiful person with a great laugh. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dick, Alex and extended family at this difficult time. Irene and Henry

  2. I remember Sarah as always smiling with a sweet and kind demeanor. I feel fortunate to have known Sarah and remember sharing many laughs and fun times at ‘the Mountain house’. My deepest condolences to Dick and Alex for their tragic loss. God bless. Love, Nathalie

  3. I will miss my friend, Sarah, so very much. She was the sweetest person I have ever known. I will continue to cherish the memories of our time together–mainly on the soccer fields–watching our young boys grow into men. My sincerest condolances to Alex and Didier for their loss.

  4. Sarah will be truly missed–as a terrific colleague, skillful editor, and caring friend. I (not to mention the entire CNA family) will miss her terribly, and offer deepest condolences to her loved ones.

  5. Sara was a wonderful friend and a terrific colleague. She leaves so many friends at CNA where she worked for many years. She always made people feel good (even if their prose was terrible). She will be greatly misssed.

  6. Cher Didier, Je vous adresse mes trs sincres condolances toi et aux tiens. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage en ces moments particulirement pnibles. Amicalement. Nicolas.

  7. Chers Didier et Alex, Nous pensons bien fort vous deux et Sarah bien sr, qui tait une bien belle personne.

  8. Sarah will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her and worked with her at CNA. She was a true professional, who set high standards for herself and every part of our work that she touched; she simply made us much better than we would have been without her. Of course, Sarah was a good friend to many of us as well. She made us laugh when we needed a laugh, and always had a way of putting seemingly big problems in proper perspective. Though we miss her greatly, we will fondly remember her as a great friend and colleague.

  9. How fortunate I was in 1988 to change jobs and to meet Sarah. We grew as editors and always expected to grow old together at CNA. Our friendship survived her move to Kentucky and mine to Pennsylvania: we were born correspondents.

  10. What we will remember most about Sarah is her laugh, her kindness and sincerity and her love for Didier and Alex. She had a general belief that everyone is good and means well. You could pick up the phone and call her to talk about anything. She was the person you could laugh and cry with. The person whom we both morn and celebrate.

  11. Although I did not know Sarah very well, she would always ask Dinah how I was doing with chemo recovery. Sarah was always concerned about her family and friends.

  12. My deepest condolences go to Sarah’s family and friends. Sarah was the consummate professional and a wonderful editor. She was a gentle but firm teacher whose lessons I’ve not forgotten. We miss her at CNA now and will for years to come.

  13. Sarah was my stepsister for about 13 years, and although our paths crossed only a few times, she was such an easy person to know and like. I treasure the memories of her visits to Oregon with Didier and Alex, and I am awed by her example as a patient, mother and wife faced with a terrible disease. She was a lovely, gentle woman who will remain in our hearts always.

  14. As the Brother-in-Law to Fred Leser, Kathy and I have sent our private condolences, thoughts, and prayers to Eugene, Oregon. Conrad Schwab

  15. I am so sad to hear of Sarah’s passing. I first met her when I was a young analyst at CNA; she was the editor for one of my first papers. Sarah was so kind, so funny, warm and caring. My deepest condolences to Didier and Alex- treasure your many wonderful memories of Sarah.

  16. I feel a deep sadness in my heart. I will miss Sarah and her smile, a smile that was infectious. Her ability to laugh at herself, at impossible situations, at the odd curve balls life throws at all of us, was a gift she gave freely to everyone. Didier and Alex, know she loved you so very much; I could hear it in her voice and see it in her smile every time she spoke of you. My sincerest condolences.

  17. Didier and Alex – I know that whatever I write will not be unknown to you. Sarah was, quite simply, a beautiful woman with a very kind heart, a sensitive nature, an ability to laugh and enjoy, and she was just plain fun! I am so sorry that I did not see her more recently. I hope you know that I tried to contact all of you over the years since soccer and the boys leaving for college, but never got a response. You all individually and as a family were great fun on SO MANY occasions, and the memories of time spent with you and with Sarah, will remain forever with me and very close to my heart. Love to you two and to Sarah … and please know that we are close! Hugs – xoxo – Annette

  18. Steve and I are both so sorry to hear of Sarah’s death. A forum like this seems inadequate for expressing the profound disappointment I feel. We haven’t spoken in years, but I know her resolve and eternally upbeat soul hasn’t changed through her life — or dare I say — in death. I am honored to have known this woman, with whom I shared many many laughs the few years we lived together after college. I’m so glad to have been graced by her friendship.

  19. Dear Didier and Alex, I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear Sarah. Please take comfort in knowing that Sarah is in a better place and without pain. Also take comfort in the arms of each other and the arms of your family and friendsl Your fond memories of Sarah will keep her alive in your hearts and in your everyday lives. Take care of each other. Love and Wishes from Gail

  20. Dick and Alex, I cannot image the world without Sarah, so graceful, kind, and gentle with eyes of a doe. Love to you both. annette

  21. Dick and Alex, There has not been a morning driving to work that I have not thought about Sarah and you both. All the fun times we shared, all the memories as the boys grew from MacArthur Elementary to College. The laughs, the tears, the words, the silience we shared will never be forgotten. You both gave Sarah the greatest gift and that was love. God Bless you both, love annette

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