Andrew “Andriko” Luka Bilaniuk

July 18, 2004 ~ July 12, 2020
Andriko was born in Charlottesville, VA and ten days later moved to Norfolk. When he was fifteen months old, Andriko and his family moved again, this time to Vienna. He spent kindergarten through fourth grade at Marshall Road Elementary School, then transferred to St. Mark. Andriko graduated from St. Mark in 2018 and recently completed his sophomore year at Bishop O’Connell High School. In May of 2020, Andriko graduated from thirteen years of Saturday School at The Taras Shevchenko School of Ukrainian Studies in Washington.
Andriko was a member of the Washington DC branch of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization – USA and enjoyed many summers of Plast scouting camp at Vovcha Tropa in New York State. Andriko also had fond memories of his time spent at the Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Ukrainian Dance Camp in New York. Andriko also found tremendous pleasure in his violin, reading and soccer. He was happiest pursuing these endeavors and was deeply interested in classical music, theology and philosophy.
Andriko leaves behind his best friend, his devoted younger brother Peter. Spending time with Peter was, without a doubt, Andriko’s favorite and most valuable activity. Also left in mourning are his parents Andrea and Ivan, and family in California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Canada and Ukraine.
Andriko humbly expressed a wish, that if anyone chose to honor his memory, that in lieu of flowers, people consider supporting the following non-profit organizations:
Plast Camp – Vovcha Tropa
DC Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation
All donations are tax deductible.
Andriko is the Angel of Vovcha Tropa. He was always there as a friend to everyone, as a leader to his younger peers, and as someone who always stood up for those who could not stand themselves. I pray that Peter remembers Andriko’s ways and continues to be a friend and role model to all. His memory will live among our hearts and souls, and in the stars above the clear Vovcha sky. May he rest in peace and fly high. He truly was the best of us, heaven has gained an angel.
Ice Cream team forever, до наступної зустрічі Андріко.
Тихо спи без тривог, Андрійку. Родина Онишкевич-Лещишин
Нехай Господь віжме його у своїй опіці. Переселаємо найщиріші співчуття. The Nepogodas
Andriko, you will be in our hearts forever! For the past 2 and half years, I prayed so much to the Lord to keep you among us, but ONLY God knew what was best for you. Your place has always been among His Angels! As you leave us behind in this valley of tears, we implore you now to pray for us from your heavenly dwelling. We will cherish your memory forever. Nadeem will now meet in person the student who prayed for him in the Mass intercessions on that first day we met you. Enjoy your Father’s Kingdom Andriko, until we meet again.?❤ Roula and Carlie
“It’s Academic “ club competition in 2019. We will miss you, our smart, competitive friend.
With deepest sympathy, The Gauthier Family (DJO-Luke ’23)
We are so sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with you and your family. Thomas, Stephanie and Jenna Cohen
Andriko, you are now seeing the face of God. Each night when I said the rosary for you I asked God to cure you – but if that was not His will, that He would be with you at death and lead you into His presence. Now, as you enjoy this presence, intercede for your parents, Peter, your family and friends. You are in our memory. With love and prayers. Ann Woroniak
I will never forget bonding with Andrijko over books and board games the day after last Thanksgiving. He was always such a positive person to be around and had such nice things to add to group conversations. He will forever be missed ❤️
We will all miss you Andriyko, thank you for always making us laugh whether it was after Ukie School or at family grill outs❤️❤️❤️ You will forever be in our hearts. —Valya, Kira, and Sonia
When Dylan was in the 5th grade he asked me, “can I invite this new boy at school over to play basketball?” That is how we met Andriko and his family, who have been an inspiration to our family ever since. Our condolences to the Bilaniuk family. Andriko may you rest in peace and you will be missed.
Я запам’ятала Андрійка як надзвичайно інтелектуального, чемного, приємного хлопчика. Він був особливий, мудрий не по роках. Завжди вражав мене глибокими філософськими запитаннями і розумними відповідями. Надзвичайно відповідальний та ретельний, домашні завдання виконував ідеально. Такі учні не забуваються. Всесторонньо розвинутий – дуже гарно малював, грав на скрипці, спортивний, ерудований, активний Пластун, безмежний потенціал. Я дуже вдячна Богові і батькам Андрійка що мала нагоду запізнати цю святу дитину… Співчуття, сльози і молитва.
A candle was lit for the decedent.
My thoughts are prayers are with the family during this difficult time. Praying for comfort and strength. Upasana Malhotra
Drea, Ivan, and Peter, We are so, so sorry. Please know that we are here for you. Our hearts are broken for you. We have such fond memories of the boys from elementary school, and I’m thankful for the time I got to spend as Andriko’s soccer coach. Sending love and strength. The Torregrossa Family
Dear Ivan, Andrea and Peter: Although no words can ease your pain, I hope you find comfort in knowing that we all care about you and are praying for you. Andriko was blessed with a loving family and may he now rest in God’s loving arms. Elsie
Андріко was one of the most gentle people I knew. I will never forget the fun summers we shared in Kerhonkson full of laughter, tag, building giant domino trains and the creation of the Ice Cream Dream Team. I was only lucky enough to hear Андріко play his violin once, but it was by far the most enchanting concert I’ve ever attended because of his talent, passion and spirit. Вічная Пам’ять Андріку, і до зустрічі.
Our deepest and heartfelt condolences for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time. Giovanna, Eric & Luca Mariggio
Dear Andrea,Ivan, Peter: My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family. Your loss cannot be comforted with words, but your memories with Andreyko will hopefully sustain you through this difficult time. Larissa Lucenko??
Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your precious son Andriko. We know you hold many precious memories of him in your hearts and pray those memories will help ease your grief. Your neighbors, Donnie and Naida Harrington
Дорогі Андрейко й Іване, Дзвіню, Родино! Найглибше співчуття Вам з молитвами за упокій душі Вашого улюбленця. Бог миру нехай буде з усіма Вами! + Гліб Лончина
A candle was lit for the decedent.
Вічная пам’ять. I am praying hard everyday for your family. My heart breaks for you. I will miss seeing Андрійко but I know his spirit and his legacy will be present at every Plast event, every church liturgy and every time we try to live like him. The photos I posted are from January 2008. Our families were celebrating Julian Calendar Christmas together. Even as a young little boy he showed a quiet strength that I have always admired. He is a role model for us all.
Andriko always was in a happy mood. He always seemed to be wearing a smile at Plast and Ukrainian school. He was always helpful and polite wether it was opening the door for everyone to Ukrainian school or helping out with the younger plast kids. Вічна йому пам’ять❤️
Dearest Bilaniuk Family – Although we’ve never met, I mourn his loss with you. My daughter attended DJO with Andriko. She admired him and described him as smart but modest and very kind. She spoke of him often and I feel I got to know him through her eyes. May God be with you in the coming weeks and months. You are in our prayers.
Ivan, Andrea, and Peter, I am so saddened by your loss. Andriko was a wonderful young man. Alexander and I coached him during his time on VYS’s Green Machine team, and truly loved getting to know him and the family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
We cherish the happy Summer times over so many years with our dearest nephew and cousin Andriko. Laughing, running around outside, excursions on route 209 and SuziQ. We will while always wish for more…. Our love and sympathy to Andrea, Ivan and Peter. Prayers for Andriko always. With love, Alexandra, Taras, Julianna and Christian Petrenko.
Dearest Andrea, Ivan, and Petey: We are holding you in our hearts as you mourn the loss of your sweet, brilliant, strong Andriko. May his memory be for a blessing. Вічна йому пам’ять. love, Xpuctia and Darren
Dear Andrea, Ivan and Peter, we are thinking of you guys and please know you are in our daily prayers. We have fond memories of our girls playing in the cul-de-sac with Peter and Andriko when they were younger. We are soo sorry for your precious loss and know that we are here for you. Love, Kari, Dan, Grace and Danielle
Dear Ivan and Andrea, please accept our heartfelt condolences for your loss. I pray God blesses and comforts you during this difficult time, and takes your son’s soul to Heaven. Natasha, John, Katia and Sonia
Andrea and Ivan, sending our sincere condolences, and praying together for Andriko. Вічна Пам‘ять і Царство Небесне! Yuri, Yulia, Katrusia and Demian
A candle was lit for the decedent.
I have just learned of Andrew‘s passing! What a bright light he remains in my mind. What beauty he has brought to all who know him. I thank him for his life and for his music. He is loved and remembered by me and by all Tacy Foundation children, teens, and adults. And also by the grateful seniors at Sunrise. Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us every day. During this difficult time, our prayers are with you and all the family. I send my deepest sympathy. Charlotte Tacy Holliday
So many wonderful memories of our four boys hanging out together. It was always a better day at Ukrainian School and Plast when Andriko was there. We’re grateful for the thirteen years Andriy and Andriko had together and will continue to cherish the many memories. Царство небесне Андрійкові. Andrea, Ivan and Peety, You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Oleh, Sarah, Andriy and Teodor
Our hearts are so heavy for your loss, Andrea, Ivan and Peter. We have so many fond memories of watching the boys play soccer together while Peter and Naomi played by the sidelines. I hope knowing that Andriko touched many people who will carry his memory will bring you some comfort.
Гострий розум, кмітливість, допитливий погляд, нестримна життєва енергія та безмежно добра красива усмішка. Таким, Андрійку, я пам‘ятатиму тебе завжди, від часу нашої першої зустрічі у 2016 році в українській суботній школі у Вашингтоні, де я мала чудову нагоду бути твоєю вчителькою. Спи спокійно, Світлий Промінчику.
Щирі співчуття батькам, братику Петру, рідним.
Дорогі панство Біланюк і Петрусь, Прийміть наші глибокі співчуття за вашу неймовірну втрату Андрійка. Нам дуже сумно. Нехай Бог вам дасть силу пережити це велике горе. Буду пам’ятати про гарні спогади Андрійка на Вовчі, на таборі. Ми говорили про школу і про музику. Вічна Йому пам’ять! З глибоким співчуттям, Оріяна Макар з родиною.
Our deepest condolences go out to your family. We are heart-broken about the passing of Andriko as we fondly remember spending many weekends at Ukie school and various Plast events together. Please know that he has inspired others including our daughter to apply for “Vishkill” knowing that anything is possible if you try, and to not be afraid to push yourself especially if you love something. We will keep you in our prayers. Вічна Пам‘ять. Kotyk Family
Любі Андреа, Іване і Петрусь. Прийміть наші найщиріші співчуття у цей скорботний час. Хоча багато років і переїздів обірвали наш зв’язок, ми завжди тепло згадували нашу дружбу. Андрійко (Адюко, як його називала маленька Аня, коли їм було менше двох років) був чудовим юнаком з великим і добрим серцем. Тужимо разом з вами. Леся, Тоні, Аня, Клер (в Тунісі)
Dear Andrea, Ivan, and Peter- Please accept our deepest sympathy. Andriko was a lovely boy. Your family is in our thoughts. This loss is absolutely unimaginable, and our hearts go out to you. Your neighbors, Eve, Greg, Sidney, & Josh (the “Twins”)