Daobin Luo

daobin luo
Daobin Luo, age 79, a retired school principal, who was active as a volunteer for Catholic service passed peacefully on February 24, 2019. He will always be remembered for his hearty laughter and kind words to others.

Mr. Luo, born in a Catholic family, dedicated his entire life to the church and society. Not only did he give nourishment to the spiritual life of the villagers, but he also readily gave support and comfort to anyone who needed it. It is because of God's grace and Mr. Luo's unremitting pursuit that a small mountain village had grown from just six Catholics to more than 600. Mr. Luo led the rural church members to build the first church in the area. There was no funding, so the village church members sold chicken eggs to earn money to donate to the church building. The family gathered three wooden carts of stone pebbles and donated them to the church to help to build it. Building the church was an extraordinary and aspiring endeavor. Even after he came to live with his family in the United States in 2003, he continued to care for the development of the church in his hometown. Mr. Luo participated in the life of the Virgin Mary group, went to Italy for pilgrimage, and returned to his hometown with a few pounds of holy water, and shared the grace of the Virgin Mary to the village church members. The life of Mr. Luo was a life of hard work - he also served as the principal of local schools for over 30 years, and educated nearly 2,000 outstanding students. The most precious gifts he left to his children are knowledge and belief. He has two sons and two daughters, all of whom share his value of education and passed that on to their children as well.

He is remembered as the loving husband of the Suzhen; father of Wei, Biao, Kui, and Chan; grandfather of Xiao, Fan, Julie, Yi, David, Yue, and JiaKai.

Funeral service will be held on Friday, March 8 at 3:00 pm at Money and King Funeral Home; 171 Maple Ave W; Vienna, VA.

亲爱的主内兄弟姐妹,罗府的所有亲朋好友,我们亲爱的罗若瑟道斌兄弟,1940年11月12日出生, 出生时受洗, 逝于2019年2月24日, 享年79岁,息别了地上的劳苦,走完了人生旅途,安息主怀了!他悄悄地离去,主亲自接走了他的灵魂,他的善生福终,是主的恩赐,也是天主籍着他显示了自己的光荣。 罗若瑟道斌兄弟,自幼出生公教家庭,一生敬虔度日,爱主爱人,服务于教会。他曾在中国老家与爱人一起宣讲福音,不但给予乡亲灵性生命的滋养,更在他们心灵匮乏之时,给予扶持慰籍,夫妇二人传教热情深深感染着每一位接触过的人。正因天主的恩典与他们的不懈追求,一个小小的山间乡村,从起初仅有的六名天主教徒,发展到600多名。看到逐年增多的教友,喜上眉梢的他俩,内心又渴望着有一个固定的祈祷所,他和爱人又一起引领着乡村教友, 在资金极其困难的情况下, 号召大家集资献力, 同心协力建造了一座圣堂。当时的乡村教友靠卖鸡蛋的钱捐款, 有劳力的家庭出力打三车石头送给教堂建设, 就这样建了当地十多个乡村中的第一座教堂。


罗若瑟道斌兄弟的一生是良善的一生, 是辛劳的一生,也是爱人的一生。他把爱奉献给社会,执教38个春秋,获得无数的优秀教师称号,担任30年的校长,培养出一大批优秀的教师,涌现出近2000人的优秀学生,他出色的完成自己的工作,以彰显天主的光荣。他把所有的爱奉献给社会与教会。今天我们瞻仰他的遗容,追忆他的事迹,却无法再听到他爽朗的笑声,听见他亲切的话语。现在,我们在追思弥撒中,祈求慈悲的天主,伸出您大能的手,迎接亡者罗若瑟进入平安与光明的天乡。 罗若瑟道斌兄弟,留给儿女们最珍贵的礼物就是知识与信仰,他重视儿女的教育,一生育有两男两女,均受到良好的教育,儿女们把老父亲的刚强、善良、智慧、敬主的秉性,在自己身上发挥得淋漓尽致。 亲爱的主内兄弟姐妹,罗若瑟道斌兄弟的肉身已离我们而去,但是他的爱主爱人精神和对天主那颗至诚之心却永远影响、督促着我们每一位。如今,他可以象保禄宗徒一样对天主说:“这场仗,我已打完;这场赛跑,我已跑完”,天上的荣冠就是属于罗若瑟这样的人。 罗若瑟道斌兄弟,您的一生是上主中悦的一生,是您身边的人可标榜的一生;您安息主怀吧!您享受天主给您预备的天国永恒的生命吧!

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  1. 老爸,谢谢你为我培育了一位非常棒的女儿,成为我的一生伴侣。爸爸我爱你,永远的爱你。你现在上了天堂可以面对面的亨見天主的栄光。但不要只顾着自己亨受天主的栄耀,而忘了在世的我们这些子女们。请你在亨受之余向天主求赐给我们各种的恩宠。

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