Janet Drill

November 11, 1929 ~ August 23, 2022
Janet Drill passed away August 23rd, 2022 at Inova Loudon Hospital in Leesburg Virginia. Janet was born November 11th, 1929 in Queens, New York, to Franklin and Belle Mandell (nee Kleinberg). She grew up in New York along with her brother, Joel Mandell, and several close cousins. She married Irving Drill in 1951. Janet and Irving lived in Flushing, New York; Hampton, Virginia; Fairfax, Virginia and Reston, Virginia, with Janet’s final residence at Ashby Ponds in Ashburn Virginia. She was a devoted daughter wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Her career included work to support education for exceptional children through the Council of Exceptional Children (now part of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education). She was a very active member of her community through the Ethical Humanist Society, UNICEF, and Vecinos Unidos of Herndon, Virginia. At Ashby Ponds she was a member of the Progressives Group, her Book Club, and less formal gatherings of friends. She loved jazz music, travel, and great food. She deeply touched many, many lives and will be greatly missed by all who knew her. Her husband Irving Drill passed away in 2002. She is survived by her four children (Larry, Steven, Laura, and Sabrina), eleven grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Her final joy was to see three great grandchildren, Selah, Penelope, and Benjamin all born between April and July of 2022.
For those who wish, donations may be made in memory of Janet at https://www.unicefusa.org/
For those who wish, donations may be made in memory of Janet at https://www.unicefusa.org/
A candle was lit for the decedent.
A candle was lit for the decedent.
Janet was my cousin and she and I would communicate mostly by an actual letter. She came to visit me once in California and we enjoyed a few days together.She was a very kind person and had lots of stories to tell. I will miss her.
I traveled to New York in 1965 to meet my family. I stayed with my Aunt Belle and Uncle Frank in Flushing, Queens, New York for a while. Janet and Irv were living underneath my Uncle’s house at the time. My purpose for the trip was to site see and meet my large extended family in NYC. I was Belle’s younger brother, Herbert’s son Mike. Janet was my first cousin. I remember being invited to Janet’s house for dinner at least one time . She was a busy mother of three at the time, kids Larry, Steven, and I believe Laura as a baby were there. Janet was a busy housewife. And prepared at least one delicious dinner while I was there. She was a busy mother of three at the time. I spent about nine weeks in New York that summer meeting family, going to the world’s fair, as well as being taken out for my first drink being 18 now. Janet was a great cousin. Mike Kleinberg