Marta Umanzor

marta umanzor

Marta Umanzor
02/25/1959 – 06/23/2023

“Dios es mi pastor y nada me faltara”

Oración pidiendo salud

Al músico principal. Salmo de David.

41 Bienaventurado el que piensa en el pobre;

En el día malo lo librará Jehová.

2 Jehová lo guardará, y le dará vida;

Será bienaventurado en la tierra,

Y no lo entregarás a la voluntad de sus enemigos.

3 Jehová lo sustentará sobre el lecho del dolor;

Mullirás toda su cama en su enfermedad.

4 Yo dije: Jehová, ten misericordia de mí;

Sana mi alma, porque contra ti he pecado.

5 Mis enemigos dicen mal de mí, preguntando:

¿Cuándo morirá, y perecerá su nombre?

6 Y si vienen a verme, hablan mentira;

Su corazón recoge para sí iniquidad,

Y al salir fuera la divulgan.

7 Reunidos murmuran contra mí todos los que me aborrecen;

Contra mí piensan mal, diciendo de mí:

8 Cosa pestilencial se ha apoderado de él;

Y el que cayó en cama no volverá a levantarse.

9 Aun el hombre de mi paz, en quien yo confiaba, el que de mi pan comía,

Alzó contra mí el calcañar.

10 Mas tú, Jehová, ten misericordia de mí, y hazme levantar,

Y les daré el pago.

11 En esto conoceré que te he agradado,

Que mi enemigo no se huelgue de mí.

12 En cuanto a mí, en mi integridad me has sustentado,

Y me has hecho estar delante de ti para siempre.

13 Bendito sea Jehová, el Dios de Israel,

Por los siglos de los siglos.

Amén y Amén.

We kindly ask that in lieu of flowers please donate to the following charties:

Thank you so much! – Yesenia, Eric, and Doris


Visitation: June 30, 2023 11:00 am - 11:00 pm

Iglesia Rhema De Dios Internacional
6700 Springfield Center Drive
Springfield, VA 22150

Service: June 30, 2023 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Iglesia Rhema De Dios Internacional
6700 Springfield Center Drive
Springfield, VA 22150

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Memories Timeline


  1. . Martha at the time owned a quinceañera shop that my mom would go and work from time to time. She was the first person to take us in outside of our intermediate family, She opened her doors for us inviting us to family events, grad parties, birthdays, etc. She saw me grow up from an innocent child, to a terrible teenager, to a responsible adult. I’ve never had any other title for her other than my grandma, I remember my brother and I would beg my mom to let us stay over. Jokes and laughters between her and my mom would fill up any empty room, it’d even have me crack up. She was never the one to judge me for my appearance rather, she’d tell me that Im capable enough to do to do anything I put my mind to. I couldn’t feel the love from my real grandparents but it’s okay because Martha filled up a big portion of that empty space,She’ll be deeply missed but her spirit will forever remain alive. Thank you mama Martha, que descanse en paz ❤️🕊️

  2. . Martha at the time owned a quinceañera shop that my mom would go and work from time to time. She was the first person to take us in outside of our intermediate family, She opened her doors for us inviting us to family events, grad parties, birthdays, etc. She saw me grow up from an innocent child, to a terrible teenager, to a responsible adult. I’ve never had any other title for her other than my grandma, I remember my brother and I would beg my mom to let us stay over. Jokes and laughters between her and my mom would fill up any empty room, it’d even have me crack up. She was never the one to judge me for my appearance rather, she’d tell me that Im capable enough to do to do anything I put my mind to. I couldn’t feel the love from my real grandparents but it’s okay because Martha filled up a big portion of that empty space,She’ll be deeply missed but her spirit will forever remain alive. Thank you mama Martha, que descanse en paz

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