Mei-Hsin Lu Shaw

mei-hsin shaw
Mei-hsin (Michelle) Lu Shaw was born on Nov. 20, 1941 in the mountainous mining town of Jiufen in Taipei, Taiwan. She was a dedicated grade school teacher, devoted wife of 44 years to Wake Shaw and a super mom of three (Alex, Joy and Lesley).

Mostly, Michelle was an enthusiast for life who loved to explore new places and things and appreciated the beauty and excitement they bring, be it a country or city she had never been, a new painting technique, a foreign cuisine she had not tasted, a unique species of orchid she had never seen or a new pop singer she was sure to become hot.

She may be an elementary teacher of thousands of students in Taiwan (a very strict teacher on top of that), but she never stopped being a student of life and wanting to learn more herself. She used meager spare time from being a full-time teacher and mom to take English classes, dance lessons, painting lessons, and travel as much as she can. She always enjoyed the company of friends and family and treated all with kindness and generosity.

That remained true when she and Wake moved and spent much of their time in the US after retirement. She took Vienna, VA as her second home and loved everything about the community and the new friends she made. She never lost her spontaneity, curiosity, sharpness and love for life, even during the 3.5-year uphill battle against advanced multiple myeloma.

She laughed, talked, walked, ate on her own until the very last day. Her vivid energy, pure heart and generous spirit will be deeply missed forever.

The family requests those wishing to make memorial donations to consider contributions to Inova Health Foundation and designated to "Inova Blood Donor Services" at INOVA, P.O. Box 96747, Washington, DC 20090-6747. The warmth and exceptional care provided to Mrs. Shaw in her final months was a tremendous comfort and support.

Funeral Home:

Money & King Funeral Home

171 W. Maple Ave.

Vienna, VA

US 22180

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Memories Timeline


  1. Lesley: Ken and I send you and your family our prayers and love. It is obvious that your Mom taught you many things about living life to the fullest, loving family and friends, and being a force for good. We are all blessed because she walked among us. Fondly, Ken and Cindy

  2. My Aunt Mei-Hsin (Bomu) was a wonderful role model. She was a devoted mother who always put family first. She knew how to live life to the fullest. She was active, energetic, and adventurous. She was a very special part of the Shaw family and will be forever missed. We were blessed to have her in our lives. In loving memory, Amy, Matt, Ryan, Ally and Aidan Hosler

  3. Mei-Hsin played a very special role in the Shaw family over the past forty years. In addition to raised her own children, she took care of her father/mother in-law with love and devotion. Her genius kindness and hospitality was contagious and memorable. She will be missed as an adventurer and a courageous warrior. Words fall short of expressing our sorrow.

  4. 親愛的姑姑: 您安歇吧!不論何時,您總是忙碌的把每一件事都做到最好,正直而熱情的對待每一個人,您一直是我們心中的典範,也謝謝您多年來對我們的關心和照顧,我們都感恩在心! 姪兒 偉誠 謹上

  5. 大舅媽, you will remain in our hearts. Thinking of you Ching-ju, Ashraf, Waseem & Huma, Naeem, Eshaan, Ali

  6. We are grieved beyond expression to learn Mei-Hsin left us so soon. In your affliction may the knowledge that your friends share your sorrow be a solace to you. God bless you and comfort you. Nate and Molly

  7. Dear Shaw Family, Your mother was a lovely, kind and gracious woman who we will dearly miss. We admire her courage in battling her illness and her continued positive spirits that was truly inspirational. We wish we all could have been there to pay our respects but please know we are there in spirit. Love, Lin Family Jer-Shung Wei-Ping James Irene

  8. To share what I said during the US ceremony. In memory of my dearest mom. 我一直猶豫今天要不要站起來分享我對母親的感情. 對很多中國人, 情感是很難以言喻的. 即使是我媽這麼活躍的人, 也不常分享她的感受. 但是往往就是在這些無法言語的關鍵時刻, 你看見她有多麼愛她的家人、朋友、與生命. 小時候的嚴師厲母, 中學之後, 她卻幾乎從不再強加她的主觀願望, 給我完全的自由. 我記得表弟結婚的婚禮, 她表現的是如此興奮, 好像在辦我的婚禮一般. 我看了好難過. 我知道她有好多期待, 可是我一直沒能如她的願. 但她也從未對此說過隻字片語. 她靜靜的讓我做自己的決定、選擇我自己的道路、默默支持我的選擇. 她會悄悄的把我的油畫習作特地拿去裱框、掛在家中. 她把雜誌訪問我的報導影印下來, 隨身帶在她身邊. 事實上, 她把我們家所有的照片帶在身邊, 希望每天與她所愛的家人與生活在一起. 她用行動說出了一切. 在我媽與癌症纏鬥的三年多時間, 從未向我們說過一聲苦, 不願意讓我們心裡有太多負擔. 她不願意想太多身後的事, 只是自己認真的與癌症對抗, 只要能站著, 他就絕不坐著; 只要能坐著, 她就絕不躺著. 把她所有的每一天, 用來看這美麗的真實世界, 把生活過到最充實飽滿. 我常常在想, 要做到這些需要多少勇氣!她積極的看待人生, 即使疾病給她很多的挫折. 過世前兩週她還自己與我父親跑去上瑜珈課!這真的是積極的人生啊! 我媽用她從來就停不下來的行動力, 把她天生的好奇心, 真心對美的事物的欣賞、與對美好生活充滿夢想, 感染周圍的家人朋友, 她是我人生的啟發, 甚至啓發了我的工作. 我的靜如表姐說得好. No one can fill the void loved ones leave behind 我還在學習如何面對人生中這樣的傷痛. 太多的感謝沒有辦法說得出口. 說出來感謝的份量, 遠遠不及我所收到的愛. 但是我在這個告別式希望說聲對媽的感謝, 告訴她即使在臨終那天, 她也好美. 這個感謝表達我對她的思念. 但是現在我想我媽如果還在, 她可能要告訴我的是, 說這些幹嘛, 好好過你的生活去吧! 我想, 一個更美好的生活, 這也是她希望帶給對所有在座親友的願望.

  9. My sincere condolences to lesley and family. My prayers will be with you during this time of grief and mourning. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

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