Michael D. Knicely

michael knicely
On Thursday, March 19, 2009 at his home in Vienna, VA. Loving father of Mitchell and Grace Knicely. Son of Orville and Edna Knicely and Joyce Knicely; brother of Timothy, Brian and the late William Knicely.

Funeral Home:

Money & King Funeral Home

171 W. Maple Ave.

Vienna, VA

US 22180

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Memories Timeline


  1. There are no words to tell you how much we cared for Mike. He will be missed every day. Our prayers and our love are with his family always.

  2. Orville, I’m terribly sorry to hear the news about Mike. Having lost a daughter, I know how hard this has to be for you and hope the love and support of your friends and family is comforting you in this difficult time. Monica

  3. I was so sorry to hear-about Mike. He saved the 20th-year reunion for the JMHS Class of 1983 when our venue had to cancel due-to Hurricane Isabel. Mike arranged for an alternate location for the reunion even though he was a member of the Class of 1984. I was lucky enough to know Mike since elementary school (and from the neighborhood). He will never be forgotten. Priscilla Moore Downey

  4. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time. The Marr Family Shawn Marr Norris

  5. Brian.. I am so sorry to learn the news about Mike..I cannot imagine what you and the family must be going through..my thoughts and prayers are with you, Tim and Mom and Dad..I can remember when he first started driving the Big OLK moving vans.. I have such fond memories of him.. he will sorely be missed by many.

  6. Michael was more than a friend we grew up together and shared each others family. I will miss him so much. I am terribly sorry for his family and their great loss.

  7. So very sorry to hear about Michael. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. My family and I send our condolences.

  8. Michael (MDK)..my other brother..I will never forget you..my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family..God rest your soul.

  9. We were deeply saddened to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Mike was great person and we have very fond memories growing up with him. He will be missed.

  10. When I think about Mike I fondly think about his infectious laugh and how much he enjoyed people. He was a special person and will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Knicely family.

  11. When I think about Mike I fondly think about his infectious laugh and how much he enjoyed people. He was a special person and will be sorely missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Knicely family.

  12. Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer. Our deepest sympathies during this difficult time.

  13. I Grew Up With Mike And He Will Always Be A Great Friend. Mike Will Be Deeply Missed And My Love Goes Out To The Knicely Family. Rest in Peace Mike! Pierson

  14. Mike was one of the first people I met when I moved to Vienna in elementary school. He was always a good friend and so much fun to be around. My heart and prayers are with the Knicely family. He will be very missed.

  15. I was so sorry to hear about Mike’s passing. It has been many years but the roots we all have growing up in Vienna are strong. He always had a smile on his face even behind his catchers mask! God bless the Knicely family.

  16. As a fellow youngest child of an old school Vienna clan, Mike and I shared a lot of the same struggles and fun that come with those challenges. Mike and I spent most our childhood hanging out together and trying to steal each others girlfiends, but Mike usually won out with that winning smile. That is what I will choose to always remember. Meet you in the river old buddy. My best to all the Knicely’s. I wish I could be there in person, but you know I send nothing but love. Warmest Condolences Billy

  17. It has been a long time since I’ve seen Mike but will always remember how his smile was infectious. I am so sorry for your loss. JMHS – Class of 1984

  18. Our hearts go out to the Knicely family. Mike was a part of our family, we loved him so much. I am so glad he came for a visit awhile back. We will miss him!! He’s in God’s hands now…..

  19. Dear Tim and Knicely Family, My prayers and condolences to you and your family. I didn’t know Mike that well but reading the kind words people have said makes me smile knowing that he was well loved by many. I pray that this loss keeps you strong and remember that his life played a big part in a lot of people lives. Keep your faith in the Lord and he will guard and guide you during this difficult time. Peace and Love, Patty Payne

  20. Please accept my deepest condolences. I have been away from JMHS since 1996 but I have such fond memories of all the Knicely’s. Know that I keep you all in my prayers and close to my heart. If there is anything I can do please let me know. Most sincerely Sandra Roeder Wagaman Counselor JMHS

  21. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I am so sorry for your loss. I remember all our fun times on Echols Street – who could forget those days.

  22. Michael..Where to start and what to say? Michael and i were as close as brothers even looked more alike than my own brother and i,we even played that off a few times.So many great times together.You left us way to soon.You took with you your meal card that my dad gave you so you could eat when ever you were at the house,and the great number 10.We will miss you greatly.Our prayers go out to all the family and friends who new and loved him..May the lord be with you.

  23. MDK #10 a Great guy! Great ball player! One I respected dearly! I only wish more time could have been spent together on this side… You will Never, Ever, be forgotten MDK #10!

  24. Please accept my deepest condolences to the entire Knicely family. Growing up in Vienna I’ll always remember Mike’s great smile along with his warm and engaging personality. Having lost my father a few years ago I can empathsize with what Tim, Brian and the rest of the family are going through. My deepest sympathies to you all during this difficult time.

  25. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I’ll remember you with a bright spring day on the diamond.

  26. Michael was an special part of our lives. Between us, there were no secrets and the bond between Michael and Patrick was strong. He will always be in our hearts with his great humor and his big love for others. To the Knicely’s, we mourn the loss of a father/son/brother with you and want you to know you are in our thoughts during this sad time.

  27. I was shocked and sadden to learn of Mike’s passing. Mike and I went to Kilmer together. I will always remember him as Lil’ Travolta, with that great smile and those beautiful eyes.(my 8th grade crush)and now my daughter goes to school with Mitchell who has that same sweet soul. My prayers are with you all. Casey

  28. Dear Knicely Family, Mitchell, Grace, and Cathy, We were one of Mike’s neighbors and friends, in Sterling, from 1999-2003. Mike was always kind, giving, funny, and a good neighbor. He was always there to lend a helping hand when needed. Mark could call at any time and know Mike would help us out. We have fond memories of seeing Mike playing outside with Mitchell and Grace. He loved to play sports and hit the playground with the kids. Mike loved his children and it really showed. Mark enjoyed hanging out with Mike at Buffalo Wing Factory, playing sports in the backyards, and spending time just being “guys.” We are very sorry for your loss. Your family is in our prays and our thoughts are with you. With Love, The Tringale Family Mark, Amy, Madeline, Lauren, and Amanda

  29. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Knicely family (and friends). Not sure where to even begin with our fond memories of Mike but most are with Mitchell and Grace. Know that your father loved you dearly and will always love you. You are both way too young to have lost him but know that he will always be with you. Stay strong and stick together. He will truly be missed!!! Michael & Michelle

  30. I’m so sorry for your loss. I knew him as a child. My prayers go out to his family. Charlet Hoy Shriner

  31. I have so many wonderful memories of Mike during the time he and my son grew up being close friends. My heart goes out to the family.

  32. I don’t believe I ever saw Mike without a smile on his face. Brings back so many memories hanging out at Waters Field! My love and prayers to his family and friends. David

  33. Orville, my dear old friend: My heart is full of sadness for you on the loss of another son. I pray that God will give you the strength to weather another set back in your life. My prayer for you is that your precious memories of Michael will fill the deep hole that his death leaves in your heart. My condolences to you and all the family.

  34. My condolences and sympathies to you all. I coached a Babe Ruth Team in Vienna when Mike played. He was a talented player, but I always remember his “Devil may care” sense of humor. Mike was always someone who could bring a smile to my face. Again my condolences on your loss of a Dad, a Son, and a Brother. Sincerely yours, David Bell

  35. My deepest sympathy goes out to the Knicely family. As time passes and we go our separate ways, Mike is one person I will never forget. A terrific neighbor, a wonderful classmate from kindergarten at Freedom Hill Elementary to the Class of 1984 at Madison H.S., his smile, his humor, his love of sport and people will never be forgotten. May he rest in peace. Love, Kim Woodson

  36. Michael, It’s so hard to say anything right now. You were the brother I never had, my friend since childhood, and I’m having a hard time coming to grips with this…I sincerely hope you’re finally at peace brother, and I’ll see you again…Pops, I’m thinking about you non-stop, and will be by this week to deliver a few things.

  37. I have so many happy memories of Mike from our days at Madison. Many. He was a good friend (to so many), so caring, I loved his quirky sense of humor; he always made me laugh. I can hear him now, and see his beautiful smile. I am so saddened to learn of his tragic passing. My thoughts and prayers, and love, are with his entire family, and everyone whose life he touched.

  38. I went to elementary and jr. high with Mike. He was a very funny guy and a friend to everyone. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this very difficult time.

  39. Mr. Knicely and family, We are saddened for your loss. Mike was a great guy! He was always smiling and making people laugh. I will always remember that about Mike. It’s been a while since I have seen him, but the memories of playing baseball and football with him on the White Sox,the Colts and Cowboys are still fresh in my mind. He was a great friend and teammate. He will be immensely missed by all who knew him, but mostly by his family. We pray that the Lord will comfort you and give you peace! May God bless you all! The Gallaher Family

  40. Orville and Brian I heard earlier this week about Michael’s passing and was completely shocked. I had seen all of you Matt Brewer’s funeral just a few months ago. I remember thinking that talking with Michael after the funeral at the Inn was the same as talking to Brian’s little brother over 30 years ago when we were growing up in Vienna. Mike was always similing with a slight hint of trouble in his eye. He had a big burden of being the youngest of four Knicely boys, but he pulled it off without a hitch. All the best to you as you work through this difficult time. My thoughts will be with you. Britt

  41. Knicely Family, Know that the Edward and Bunky Gallaher Family is praying for you for your loss of Mike. Remember the days of White Sox baseball and football with my brother Sean and MK. How time has flown by, but know that our hearts and prayers are forever with you and Mike. Boy could he make you laugh. May God give you all the peace you need to get through this loss. God speed Mike Knicely. The Kevin Gallahers

  42. Brian Knicely & Family; My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this most difficult time.

  43. Our thoughts, prayers and love go out to all of you. The White Sox and the Kniceleys~~~~what wonderful memories. Those young boys with their red and white hats ashew, dirty knees(even if they didn’t slide into base), chewing gum, those sweet faces with smiles from ear to ear when they won(and that was often!)are of which life and love are made. Please know that you are in our prayers and know that God is always near!

  44. We are so sorry for your loss and send our condolensces to the enitre family. Due to Tom’s health we will be unable to come to the funeral but wanted you to know we have you in our hearts.

  45. Brian, We are saddened by the loss of your brother. He was such a nice person. He lit up any room he entered with his mischevious smile, like he always had some happy secret. Your entire family is in our hearts and prayers as you work through this loss. In th days ahead remember your loss is heavens gain. There is another angel to watch over you.

  46. Knicely Family, I share so many sentiments that many others have written. White Sox, shared youngest sibling, friend, surrogate brother, extended family member….shall I go on ? Mike was a great person, a direct result of his awesome, giving family ! God forbid his hair gets “messed up” !! 🙂 We love Mike and the entire Knicely family. Thank you for so many fond memories ! Mike – Rest in Peace – God be with you – we Love you ! Joe sends his deepest sympathies as well. He and I have recently shared MANY quality stories of Mike. On behalf of the entire Sedlock Family, Mike & Bridget (Tolson) Sedlock

  47. Dear Brian, Please accept my condolences for your family’s loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope you find comfort in your friends and family.

  48. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Knicely family. I will miss Mike. You never forget a person like Mike. I have known him since I was in kindergarten and he was in 1st grade so I don’t remember a time without him as a friend. I am still thankful to him for making sure I never had ride the bus to Madison. He was always there for his friends. I will always remember his infectious smile, warm hug and love for is friends and family.

  49. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the whole Knicely family. Mikey was more than a close friend to me he was like a brother. We spent many weekend trips together to Atlantic City and Baltimore. He is someone I will surely miss, but will always be in my heart. With our sincere sympathies, Bob Smith and family

  50. I went to Madison H.S. and played baseball with Mike. I am shocked to hear of his passing and I want to share my condolences with all of his family and friends.

  51. I was saddned to hear of mike’s passing. i had only met mike a few times on trips to virgina.He was always a great person to me and he was a like a brother to one of my closet freinds. my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.

  52. I was saddned to hear of mike’s passing. i had only met mike a few times on trips to virgina.He was always a great person to me and he was a like a brother to one of my closet freinds. my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.

  53. To the Knicely family my condolances on the loss of your son Mike. He will always be remembered with that wonderful smile and giving personality. He is at peace now and home with the Lord.

  54. I am saddened by your loss. I just saw Mike a few months ago (had not seen him since 1982)and had the opportunity to talk with him for a few minutes about “old times”. Sometimes you meet someone and it is as if times stands still between conversations. Mike has the qualities that we all look for in people, he was real. The Knicely family is in our prayers.

  55. Knicely Family, I was deeply saddened to hear of Mike’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Although I hadn’t seen Mike in a long time, I thought of him often. Mike was one of my best friends from 6th grade, when we met playing football on Reed’s Cowboys, through the end of high school at Madison. In many ways, Mike treated me as a younger brother – always watching my back. I will always cherish the many wonderful memories I have of our time together. He was kind, funny, generous, caring, compassionate, stubborn, determined, he was one of a kind. He will be greatly missed.

  56. I was deeply saddened to hear of Mike’s passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I saw Mike about 6 years ago when I was visiting Vienna and we reflected on many great memories from Madison and Vienna.

  57. Knicely Family, My prayers and thoughts are with you through this difficult time. Mike was one of my Best Friends through Elementary School to Highschool. We played Baseball, Football and Basketball together as well as those Camping trips with his father to West Va. Mike was like a Brother to me and gave me my best childhood memories. I remember the great times playing Baseball for Madison with him. Once my family moved to Oakton, it was one of the first times we played on different teams. We teased as to who would win when we played eachother. When we finally played that game, I have now forgotten who won. I have not and will never forget who the winner was that day and every day….it was Mike. Mike, you will NEVER be forgotten. Thank you for those Wonderful Memories. I will miss you…

  58. To the Knicely Family, I was deeply saddened to hear of Mike’s untimely passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. I first met Mike when we were about eight years old, growing up in Vienna. We had a lot of fun over the years, playing sports and enjoying each other’s friendship. Although we kind of lost touch over the years, I did have a chance to visit with Mike about three months ago and catch up on things. It was very nice to see him. Mike will be dearly missed, but it’s comforting to know that he is now in peace.

  59. My thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Knicely Family for their loss. I unfortunately lost touch with Mike over the years but I will always remember him as being one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and truly caring about his family and friends. Mike will be missed.

  60. Knicely Family and Friends, Our deepest sympathy and condolences to you all. When you think of Mike, we all remember baseball. Pictures of him are still posted on the walls at Yeonas park, the good ole’ days. May he rest in peace.

  61. When I heard of Michael’s passing, it shocked and startled me. I started reminiscing about the good times we shared on the field. Mike had a dry humor unmatched by anyone.His loss has put a void in our baseball family at Madison H.S. My condolences to the entire Knicely family Coach Don Roth

  62. Brian – our sympathy to you & your family – I hope you can console yourself with the fact that Mike is finally at peace

  63. Dear Brian – we were deeply saddened hearing the news of Mike’s passing. You and your family are in our prayers. Heidi (McLean) Sullivan and Family

  64. Dear Mr. Knicely and family, I wrote a note to you earlier this week, but it somehow ended up on another guest book for Mike at Legacy.com. I think that may be the Wash Post’s guest book. I really wanted to share with you how sorry I am about Mike. As you know, we chatted from time to time when he would call for Joe’s number – the last time just in Nov. And you followed up with such a kind phone call when you learned about P.J.’s passing. Vienna is such a unique community and so tightly woven, where so many of us grew up not just with our friends, but with our siblings’ friends and their families as well. And all that Mike and your family has meant to Vienna is so clearly indicated in these many, many kind notes from friends, coaches, teachers, etc. I hope that you will derive some comfort in them as you go through yet another difficult loss. Please add me to the list of those who will be keeping you in my thoughts and my prayers that God will put His Arms around you all and keep you close to Him and to each other. With warm regards, Kathy (Sedlock) Rogers and Family And the entire Sedlock Family

  65. I never was close to Mike, but when I heard of his untimely passing, I certainly knew exactly who he was, the crush of so many girls at Madison, such a beautiful and personable young man. Heaven needed another angel, and it definitely received one. Your family will remain in my prayers.

  66. My heart goes out to the Knicely family. It is so very unfortunate to lose a loved one in the prime of his life. The Daisey girls grew up right around the corner from the Knicely’s and have wonderfully fond memories of Mike in all his silliness. He was always sooooo much fun to be around!!! We will miss him very much. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family during their time of need. May God bless.

  67. I can’t begin to say how sorry I am to hear of Mike’s passing. I have not been around Vienna for a while, and Mike was one of the last Madison friends that I got to catch up with before I moved out of town. I am glad I got the chance to spend some alone time with him, laugh about old high school times and talk about our future lives. My thoughts are with the Knicely family today.

  68. Knicely Family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. I have a lot of great memories with Mike growing up in Vienna and on the ball field and those are memories that I will cherish and remember him by. We are thankful just to have known him. Mike, Mary, Tyler, Hannah Koontz

  69. Knicely Family, There are some feelings that are just too hard to try to express in words, so I will just say rest in peace Mike. Brian, Tim and Orville, I spent some much time at the Knicely home, it will be hard to imagine it without Mike, but I know you have many good memories to help you through this difficult time. Steve Brigia

  70. I am so sorry for your loss. I have fond memories of Mike from High School. My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this very sad time.

  71. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. May God hold you close in the days ahead. Please know that you are in my prayers. God Bless Robbie

  72. I give my best to the Knicely Family. Mike and I had some fun times at baseball practice at Madison.

  73. I was sorry to hear of Mike’s passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, children and friends. JMHS 1984

  74. Dear Orville,Tim, and Brian, When my brother phoned me of Mike’s passing, I was speechless. As the tears began to well up in my eyes I immediately began to think of all our great times we had together. It started when we were 7 with the whitesox and continued into jr. high and highschool. All the wonderful times of wiffle ball and then the pool and many many other times at the knicely home. I could go on and on. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family! The last time i saw Mike was in 2003 and Mike saved our reunion with a little help from Orville!! As I did a thousand times before I stayed at the Knicely home for my reuinion and spent alot of time with Mike. MY deepest and warmest condolences go out to the family and Mikes children Mitchell and Grace. I am always here if u need me for something. sincerely yours joe sedlock and kids!!

  75. Dear Orville,Tim & Brian, I am so sorry for your loss. I have not seen any of you in years but my memories of all will last a life time. I just heard about Michael yesterday and am still in disbelief. From all the Kromer’s, our thoughts and prayers are with you. The Kromer’s

  76. May the thoughts of sympathy from your friends help to ease your pain at this difficult time. We are sad to learn of the the loss of your son Michael. Your friends from AT&T, Tom and Norma Cook

  77. I was so sad to hear about the passing of Mike. Although I haven’t see Mike in years – I will always remember his great smile! I know he will be missed. Please know that your family is in our prayers.

  78. Orville, Tim, Brian, Kathy, Mitchell and Precious Princess Grace: As you all know, I loved Michael with all my heart. He, like Bill, Tim and Brian, have always been my brothers. You all are family to me and I share in your loss and grieving. Michael was always there with a quick smile, hearty laugh, helping hand and a kind word for everyone he met and a deep compassion and loyalty to those he loved. And he loved many. His loss is felt by everyone he touched and I pray that you take comfort in knowing how loved he was in both his life and his passing. Heaven has received a comic and all the angels are smiling. Love always, Sandi

  79. I was shocked and saddened to hear of Mike’s passing. Although I had not seen him in several years I have such great memories of Mike. We had many good times back in High School. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  80. Please accept my prayers of comfort for your family. Many have described what everyone saw and felt immediately from Mike. I am thankful for fond memories of Mike as well. I am so sorry for your loss.

  81. Michael – I have gone back and forth on this and still cannot seem to find the words. I miss your insights, your humor, but most of all your friendship. You must have thought I was an alright person as you asked me to be the godfather of your children. They are still far and away my favorite people and you would have been so proud of them on that misty Saturday. I am proud, glad, and honored to have been one of your best friends. I’ll especially miss your takes on life experiences as we all see them the same yet differently. You will always remind me of the ‘fundamental’ things in life. The things so simple which are often glossed over, but so very important. I’ll miss your exceptional sense of humor – heck, you laughed at 80% of everything I said so your sense of humor must have been more than exceptional. I’ll take you wherever I go and hope you know in your heart and soul that you touched many lives. Orville, Tim and Brian – Once again we get to see one another under the worst of circumstances. I will see you more often under the best.

  82. I knew Mike briefly while I was in High School at James Madison before we graduated in 1984. He was a great person and was one of the few people that was kind to me. I am sorry for his passing – especially for the close members of his family. Best Wishes Mike – we’ll carry you in our hearts!

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