Michelle Dang Kelly

michelle kelly
Michelle Dang Kelly, of Falls Church, VA., died on Thursday, June 14, 2012 at her home. In her life Michelle was completely devoted to her family and was the loving daughter of Matilde Kelly and Ronald Kelly, and his wife Maria Kelly and the cherished sister of Michael Kelly. Michelle was a dedicated member of the intelligence community who was instrumental in protecting her country and keeping its people safe for the past decade. Through both, she enriched and brightened the lives of all those around her. Michelle's compassion, charm, courage and intelligence are a great loss to her family and her country and she will be sorely missed by all. Michelle is survived by many extended family members.

Contributions may be made in Michelle's name to the Wounded Warrior Project of the Fisher House Foundation.

Funeral Home:

Money & King Funeral Home

171 W. Maple Ave.

Vienna, VA

US 22180

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Memories Timeline


  1. Ron, Maria, Michael, Carol and I send our deepest condolences. We are so sorry to hear about Michelle. I fondly remember having dinner with Ron & Michelle in VA. Such a tragedy our thoughts and prayers are with you all. May Michelle rest in peace. John & Carol DeMascio

  2. Dear Ron, Maria, Michael & Family, Janice and I are so very sorry to learn of the loss of your beloved Michelle. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. With great sympathy, Mike & Janice Mosca

  3. Ron, maria and michael- there are no words that can express our sorrow for you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this extremely difficult time and know that we are here for you to help support you anyway possible. Love to all — sue stahley and greg bayer

  4. Ron, Maria, and Michael, As has been said before and will be said again, no words have been crafted to help you reduce the loss and pain of losing Michelle. She was an intelligent and sensitive person who enhanced my course with her questions and comments. I have enjoyed following her career from Noel’s firm to her current position. She had a lot of promise and will be missed by many. Cathy and I are truly sorry for your loss.

  5. Ron, Maria, Matilde Michael, we are so very sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Michelle. We will keep her and you in our prayers and may she rest in eternal peace. Frank and Kathy Baldascino

  6. Ron, my deepest condolences to you and your family over your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  7. Ron and family, I was saddened to hear of the loss of your precious daughter Michelle at such a young age. I can’t imagine the pain you are feeling. But just know that many friends and colleagues are sending heartfelt thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this time of profound grief. Jim Geiger

  8. Matilde, Ronald y Familia: Queremos hacernos presentes en este momento tan dificil para ustedes, compartimos su dolor y profunda tristeza. Estamos orando por el eterno descanso de Michelle. Cuenten siempre con nosotros. Con mucho cario. Familia Linares Veira

  9. Dear Ron, please accept my deepest sympathies for your loss of Michelle. While I never actually knew Michelle, I had the pleasure of speaking with her several times when she would call Armonk looking for my dad. I was always moved by the love and admiration that bubbled out when she spoke of you. I hope your cherished memories give you strength in these difficult times.

  10. Ronie, Matilde, Maria, Michael Thinking of all of You at this dificult time. My prayers and thoughts are with all the Family. Michelle is not with us anymore but her memories will live always close to our hearts. Rest in Peace.

  11. Dearest Kelly Family, Your sorrow has become our sorrow. Your hope to spend eternity together is ours as well. God loves Michelle and He loves each of you! We are praying for Michelle and all of you. And we are asking others to do the same. Dan & Kerri in Montana; Carolyn & her family; Mark; Bette and George.

  12. RON, MARIA, & MICHAEL, We are so sorry for your loss. We are praying for you and hope and pray that you will find peace and comfort in knowing that Michelle is with the Lord. The Files – Robin, Jackie & Maria.

  13. RON, CHEPA, MICHAEL Nustros mas sentido pesame para ustedes, la muerte de Michelle la hemos sentido muchisimo, hemos perdido un miembro mas de la familia, porque ella era para nosotros otro familiar mas. Que Dios todopoderoso les de mucha fortaleza para soportar esta perdida. Los querermos mucho.

  14. Querida Familia: Es triste dejar partir a un ser querido pero hay que tener fortaleza y orar mucho para que el alma de Michelle descanse en paz. Sintanse rodeados del cario familiar, desde la distancia…Pello, Vita y familia.

  15. Dear family, I got to know Michelle last year in October when she signed up for dog walking service for her beloved dog Maya. I could see how much she cared and loved for sweet little Maya and wanted to help her be a happy well-mannered dog. Her passing came as a shock to us at KSR Pet Care. We send our deepest condolences to her family and hope Maya will be okay. Let us know if we can help. Rest in peace, dear Michelle. Karen Rosenberg, KSR Pet Care

  16. Luisa Matilde Linares: Profundamente conmovidos te hacemos llegar nuestro sentimiento de dolor. Espiritualmente estamos contigo, somos tu familia, sin en algo te podemos ser utiles no lo pienses dos veces, estamos para ayudarnos hoy mas que nunca. Aunque el silencio haya sido prolongado te queremos y te recordamos siempre, los vinculos familiares los conservamos hasta el fin de nuestras vidas. De corazon te acompaamos. Lola Linares y Familia

  17. Ron,Maria y Michael: Un hijo es un tesoro y cuando lo perdemos lo valoramos aun ms,hacemos nuestro el dolor que hoy sienten por la perdida de Michelle y rogamos a Dios que les conceda la fortaleza necesaria para afrontar esta irreparable perdida. Desde la distancia los acompaamos con nuestras oraciones,solidaridad y estima. El seor Todopoderoso los bendiga y el alma de Michelle descanse en paz amen…amen..

  18. We are backyard neighbors of Michelle and Maya (sweet dog we speak to over the fence and across another yard–and whom we’ve gotten to love). Our hearts are broken at the sad news of Michelle, and we will miss her. She was a sweet, kind and lovely neighbor, who (in Feb.) sent us a 50th anniversary card containing a lovely picture of herself and Maya. Tomorrow, we are expecting visitors for a couple weeks, but if we can help with Maya afterwards, please let us know. With deepest sympathy and prayers for Michelle and her family.

  19. My sincerest condolences to the Kelly Family. As Maya’s dog walker, Michelle always made time to chat with me and ask about my day and my interests. She became a very good friend, always kind and thoughtful and happy, and I will miss her greatly. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be helpful in looking after Maya.

  20. As a next door neighbor of 15 years, and one who loved both her dogs, I shall miss Michelle deeply. My sympathies go to Matilda, Michelle’s father, her step brother and rest of the family. Dorothy Hodgkin

  21. Ron, Matilda, Maria, Mike, So very sorry to hear the sad, sad news about Michelle. I remember so well the times we met her in France, in Washington, at her house in Falls Church and lastly in Bangkok. She was a lovely girl with a smile that would light up the room and I am so glad that I met her. With kindest regards and sincere condolences. John, Bernadette, and Matt Price

  22. My deepest condolences go out to you, Michelle’s family. I met Michelle in 2005 and had the pleasure of working with her for a brief period of time. Over the years we kept in contact sporadically. She was a beautiful and intelligent woman and despite my limited relationship with Michelle, her loss is heartbreaking. I admired her for her dedication to her career and her family. She was a very, very special lady and will be dearly missed.

  23. Words cannot even express how sad I am. I have been texting and emailing because I was thinking of Michelle. I have so many good memories of her: Halloween party seven springs, our trip to deep creek, the beach for my backorette party, her trips to the cabin… I will miss you Michelle. I love you.

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