Peter B. Hill

May 8, 1970 ~ August 8, 2009
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
Rest in peace. -Jen, class 1988 JMHS
I knew Peter quite well in high school. Our lockers were practically right next to one another. He was such a warm and gentle person. I was suprised to hear that when he went to college he became the school mascot simply because he was such a quiet guy in high school. We played football together junior and senior years and I owe a lot to him for coming over regularly to work out in preparation for the upcoming season. He will be missed but always thought of fondly. May God bless you Peter. My condolances to his family.
I am so saddened that we have lost such a bright light and gentle soul. Pete always brightened my day any time I saw him and he was such a wonderful spirtual guide to my children. We will all miss him but are thankful for the blessing of knowing him.
My dear Peter and family, I was so sad to read about the death of your beloved Peter. I am trying to rearrange some things so that I might be with you on Saturday. Know that I keep you all close to my heart and in my prayers Sandra Roeder Wagaman
We’ll miss Pete’s genuine and generous spirit.
I knew Peter and his parents at Church of the Holy Comforter in Vienna. Peter was in a Sunday school class that I taught and was a joy to have in class. He was a wonderful young man. It is so sad that he has left his family but I kinow that he is with our Lord. Bud Roeder
Dear family members of Peter, Every day, memories flood back to me about Peter and I think about him all the time. I know that he is happy with God but I know that we miss him still. He was such a wonderful soul, had a kind and gentle spirit and was always so generous with his talents and his time. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with him. I assure you my thoughts and prayers. Much love in Christ, Elisabeth Nisley
Peter – I thought of you tonight…and re-read your obit and reflected on how young your life was taken from you. Although our backyards met growing up, and we played on the same football team in high school, we never ran in the same circles perhaps because we were separated by a grade in school. But I always respected how kind a person you were. May you continue to rest in peace. Mitch Simmons
Peter – I thought of you tonight…and re-read your obit and reflected on how young your life was taken from you. Although our backyards met growing up, and we played on the same football team in high school, we never ran in the same circles perhaps because we were separated by a grade in school. But I always respected how kind a person you were. May you continue to rest in peace. Mitch Simmons