Sarah Mueller

June 27, 1972 ~ August 4, 2023
Resided in:
Vienna, Virginia
Sarah Mueller
Sarah was born on June 27, 1972, in Reutlingen, Germany. She was the first of four kids. In 1978, the family moved to Hechingen, Germany. Sarah tried to help with rebuilding a barn into a house to live in. Already as a child, she had a lot of understanding of and interest in electronics. When she was 6 years old and the electrician they had hired wanted to turn the electricity back on after he finished his work, Sarah warned him it would short-circuit, but the man didn’t listen and what Sarah said happened.
During Highschool in Hechingen, Sarah was a performer and worked with the lighting technology in the School Theater, while she started her first company “Backstage”.
In 10th grade she went to England for three months to improve her English language.
From 1988 to 1991, she visited the technical high school in Balingen. She discovered her love for the USA when she won a competition with her school magazine. The competition topic was drugs, and the prize was a journey to the USA where the group met with the FDA in Washington and Miami. That was when her interest and love for the US started.
She was active in the YMCA and the Boy Scouts for a long time, also as a group leader.
After school, she did community service as a driver for disabled children.
She completed her technology thesis in Berlin in 1998.
Sarah and I met for the first time in May of 1997 at a Student party. She was owning an Equipment Company for Events and also worked for a German Radio Station.
At this point her Name was Fridolin and she was still a man. We started dating two months later and dated for 7 years before we moved in our first apartment in Berlin, Germany. While we were dating, she completed her master’s degree and started working for David System Inc. That was the time she started traveling to the US. Christmas 2004 we decided to make a big change in our lives and planned to move to the US the following year. With this decision also came another big step in our lives: we had to get married, which we did on June 1st 2005.
July 26, 2005, we stepped into the airplane and our journey started. We rented our first home and when the lease was going to expire, Sarah offered to buy a house instead of renting. That is how we ended up in Vienna, on Hickory Cir. Sarah was so happy to call it our new home and loved the neighborhood and the potential our property had, especially for Christmas Lights. She always watched the Crazy Christmas Lights shows on TV and was finally ready to take on the challenge. That was when the Vienna Community started to meet with Sarah on the parking lot of the Vienna Shopping Center where she was handing out candy canes to everyone who was watching the lightshow. She changed the lights every year a bit until she got the big video screen. That was the time when she even tried to do more for the community by putting news on the screen to reach more people. While everything of this happened, she also had big projects at work like the Olympics. She earned three Emmys but unfortunately only got two statues.
In March 2016, Sarah was the happiest human in the world when she was holding Zoey for the first time in her arms and the next journey started. She did everything for her to make her happy. So, in the coming years she was balancing enough time between family, working for AVID Technology, spending time on her hobby and helping others. In the meantime, she tried to stay fit and connected to the running group “Moms Run this Town”. There was something else that had started earlier: she realized she was in the wrong body. She felt like a woman and wanted to make all the changes she could to feel better. The next journey was starting. She changed her looks and also changed her gender identity. After she changed her name legally, she was finally the person she wanted to be her whole life.
Sarah was a loving parent and a supportive partner. She was dedicated, passionate, and would always go above and beyond to help others. She would do anything to make people happy, loved ones and friends alike. She will be dearly missed.
Visitation will be held at Money and King Funeral Home, 171 W. Maple Ave., Vienna, VA on Friday, August 18 from 5 to 8 p.m. Funeral services will also be held at Money and King on Saturday, August 19 at 11 a.m. For those unable to attend in person the service will be livestreamed via the link below.
Visitation: August 18, 2023 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA 22180
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2023-08-18 17:00:00
2023-08-18 08:00:00
171 W. Maple Ave.,Vienna, VA 22180
Service: August 19, 2023 11:00 am
Money and King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA 22180
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2023-08-19 11:00:00
2023-08-19 11:00:00
171 W. Maple Ave. ,Vienna, VA 22180
Ruhe in Frieden, Liebe und Ruhe.
Liebe Sabine,
von Herzen mein tiefstes Mitgefühl. In dieser schweren Zeit schicke ich dir all meine Liebe und Gedanken des Trostes. Pass gut auf dich auf und scheue dich nicht, um Hilfe zu bitten, wann immer du sie benötigst.
Sei feste gedrückt, Karin
Dear Sabine,
From the bottom of my heart, my deepest sympathy. In this difficult time, I am sending you all my love and thoughts of comfort. Please take good care of yourself and do not hesitate to ask for help whenever you need it.
With a warm embrace,
Words cannot express my sadness for your loss.
She will be missed.
My heartfelt condolences,
Best Regards
thanks to your encouragement I was empowered to start one big adventure that involved moving to another continent. I will forever be grateful for that. Leading by example, you have encouraged countless other people to be brave and shine. You will be sorely missed.
Dear Sabine and Zoey,
mein herzliches Beileid.
Our hearts go out to you during this time of sorrow. Please take care of yourself and
don’t hesitate to to ask if you need help in any way.
With our sincerest condolences.
Isabelle & Don
Mein Beileid!
Michael (Berlin)
Liebe Sabine,
mein herzliches Beileid zu deinem Verlust. Ich wünsche dir und deiner Tochter viel Kraft für die nächste Zeit.
Fühl dich umarmt!
Anett Kiefer
An excellent manager and a dear colleague.
I wait for her friendly call and guidance, each day, on my complex projects.
Hi, Robert. I hear her say.
Sleep well, my dear friend.
The sound system at the Pearly Gates is about to get much needed update.
A remarkable leader, mentor, and friend… I will miss Sarah deeply. Her courage in life stands as a testament to her bravery and authenticity. I grew professionally and personally from Sarah’s guidance. So many memories from traveling to many cold server rooms around the globe, I will cherish her memory.
Thank you for everything, dear Sarah! You will always be in my memory and my heart! Rest in peace
Sabine and Zoey, my deepest heartfelt condolences for your loss.
Lieben Gruß
Christa Voegele ( Mutter von Julia)
Very sad to hear the untimely demise of dear Sarah. We had the privilege of hosting her in our Bangalore(India) office few years ago and have fond memories of that business trip. She was very gentle, caring, and humorous. Last 5 years, my team has worked closely with her and benefited immensely from her technical guidance and support. We will all miss her physical presence but she will be in our hearts always.
On behalf of the team and the management here I would like to offer condolences to her family, friends, and colleagues. May her loved ones get the strength to bear this sudden loss.
Dearest Sabine,
Joe and I want to express our sincere condolences. Our hearts go out for you and Zoey. Hugs to both of you, Joe and Chris Stump🙏
Liebe Sabine, ich bin furchtbar traurig und wünsche Dir und der kleinen Zoey viel Kraft für die Zukunft. Passt aufeinander auf!
“Was man tief in seinem Herzen besitzt, kann man nicht durch den Tod verlieren.”
Liebe Sabine,
Ich wuensche dir und Zoey Kraft aus der Erinnerung an die schoenen Momente. Mein herzliches Beileid.
I did not realize that Sarah had died until Michael told me. I am SO SORRY. She was such a wonderful person, a great colleague and friend. I will treasure her memory.
All my best wishes–and condolences.
Signy, Ben, Henrik, Zoey and Kaia
Liebe Sabine,
ich möchte Dir auch auf diesem Wege mein mein tiefstes Beileid zu Deinem unermesslichen Verlust ausdrücken. Ich bin in Gedanken bei Dir und wünsche Dir und Zoey viel Kraft für die nächste Zeit.
ich bin so erschüttert vom frühen Tod von Sarah zu erfahren. Ich spreche Dir mein aufrichtiges Beileid aus und würde Dich nun gern in den Arm nehmen. Ich bin froh, dass ich Euch beide kennenlernen durfte. Du sollst wissen, dass ich immer gesprächsbereit bin, wenn Du reden möchtest. Ich freue mich sehr, wenn Du Dich meldest und bin in Gedanken bei Dir und Zoey.