T. Hunton Leith, Jr.

August 28, 1923 ~ January 4, 2007
Husband of Betty Leith, father of
Bob (Susan) Leith, and Thomas
(Crisley) Leith, brother of James
Leith and grandfather of Robby and
Caitlin. He is also survived by many nieces and nephews.
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
Bob (Susan) Leith, and Thomas
(Crisley) Leith, brother of James
Leith and grandfather of Robby and
Caitlin. He is also survived by many nieces and nephews.
Funeral Home:
Money & King Funeral Home
171 W. Maple Ave.
Vienna, VA
US 22180
I am sorry for your loss. If there is anything we can do to help let us know. I didn’t ever meet your dad. Maybe I saw him that time Tim Germer and I went to Redskin’s game . We sat in your seats, and you sat in better seats that someone let you borrow. I hope your mother can find consolation from the many good years she had with your dad. I was reading about our condition as men. Blaise Pascal said that man’s misery is the misery of a nobleman, the misery of a dethroned king. Calvin quotes St. Bernard in his ” INSTITUTES ” Man doubtless had been made subject to vanity – man has been reduced to nothing – man is nothing. How is he nothing, to whom a divine heart has been given? Let us breathe again brethren. Although we are nothing in our hearts, perhaps something of us may lurk in the heart of God. O Father of mercies! Father of the miserable! How plantest Thou Thy heart in us? Where Thy heart is, there is thy treasure also. When I think about death I like to remind myself about how Jesus and St. Paul referred to the saints who have fallen asleep.