William Richard Sims, Jr. "Rick"

October 18, 1946 ~ November 28, 2021
William Richard Sims, Jr (Rick) passed away suddenly November 28th, 2021, from an apparent cardiac event doing what he loved most: puttering in the yard. He was 75 years young.
Rick was born on October 18th, 1946, in Williamsport, PA, the eldest son of William Richard Sims, and Jean Jacqueline Scott Sims. He first came to Washington, DC to attend the American University to study business administration, where he met his bride of 50 years, Maria Emilia Rapoport (Sheena), of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He served in the United States Marine Corps after graduating from University, and later transferred to civilian life serving 27 years at the Organization of American States in sustainable development. It is safe to say Rick remains a legend even after his retirement in 2003 most known for his fierce loyalty, kindness, witty quips, and pragmatism.
Rick loved rugby - an avid rugby player since 1969 and later decorated referee, and always ran circles even around those decades younger than he. Just days before his passing, he was running a race with his grandchildren and grandnieces.
He was an extrovert who loved to talk to people, share a good scotch and laugh and befriended all. Though rough and tumble on the outside, he was fiercely loyal to his family and friends, and was without exception, dependable. Rick is most known for his strong values, dedication to family, friends and country and unfaltering love for his wife and daughters. Rick was a beloved, cherished, and strong presence in the lives of so many. He is deeply missed.
He is survived by his loving wife, Maria Emilia Rapoport Sims (Sheena), his brothers Vernon Scott Sims, and Jeffery Bailey Sims, his daughters Jennifer Emily Adkins (Rob), and Casandra Sims Nied (Tim), and his four grandchildren, Gianna Emilia Belén Adkins, Alexis Sofia Nied, Cristian Alan Nied and Charles Beau Adkins. He is also survived by his nieces and nephews Emily Anne Rapoport, Lauren Sims Polak, Andrew Ryan Sims, Bailey Stroehmann Sims, and their children.
Per his wishes, Rick was cremated, and a visitation memorial will be held this Sunday, December 5, 2021 at Money & King Funeral Home, 171 Maple Ave West, Vienna, VA 22180 from 2:00-4:00pm. A final burial ceremony will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, May 2, 2022 at 3:00pm. Please arrive at the administration building no later than 2:30pm.
The family requests that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to honor either the Semper Fi & America’s Fund (semperfifund.org) to support families of injured and fallen marines or The INOVA Fairfax Heart and Vascular Institute (support.inova.org). The online guestbook is available at www.moneyandking.com
Rick was born on October 18th, 1946, in Williamsport, PA, the eldest son of William Richard Sims, and Jean Jacqueline Scott Sims. He first came to Washington, DC to attend the American University to study business administration, where he met his bride of 50 years, Maria Emilia Rapoport (Sheena), of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He served in the United States Marine Corps after graduating from University, and later transferred to civilian life serving 27 years at the Organization of American States in sustainable development. It is safe to say Rick remains a legend even after his retirement in 2003 most known for his fierce loyalty, kindness, witty quips, and pragmatism.
Rick loved rugby - an avid rugby player since 1969 and later decorated referee, and always ran circles even around those decades younger than he. Just days before his passing, he was running a race with his grandchildren and grandnieces.
He was an extrovert who loved to talk to people, share a good scotch and laugh and befriended all. Though rough and tumble on the outside, he was fiercely loyal to his family and friends, and was without exception, dependable. Rick is most known for his strong values, dedication to family, friends and country and unfaltering love for his wife and daughters. Rick was a beloved, cherished, and strong presence in the lives of so many. He is deeply missed.
He is survived by his loving wife, Maria Emilia Rapoport Sims (Sheena), his brothers Vernon Scott Sims, and Jeffery Bailey Sims, his daughters Jennifer Emily Adkins (Rob), and Casandra Sims Nied (Tim), and his four grandchildren, Gianna Emilia Belén Adkins, Alexis Sofia Nied, Cristian Alan Nied and Charles Beau Adkins. He is also survived by his nieces and nephews Emily Anne Rapoport, Lauren Sims Polak, Andrew Ryan Sims, Bailey Stroehmann Sims, and their children.
Per his wishes, Rick was cremated, and a visitation memorial will be held this Sunday, December 5, 2021 at Money & King Funeral Home, 171 Maple Ave West, Vienna, VA 22180 from 2:00-4:00pm. A final burial ceremony will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, May 2, 2022 at 3:00pm. Please arrive at the administration building no later than 2:30pm.
The family requests that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to honor either the Semper Fi & America’s Fund (semperfifund.org) to support families of injured and fallen marines or The INOVA Fairfax Heart and Vascular Institute (support.inova.org). The online guestbook is available at www.moneyandking.com
Dear Casandra and family, I’m so sorry very sorry for your loss. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Deepest condolences, Jim Derivan
Sheena, I’m so saddened by this news. We were good friends for a long time and I enjoyed Rick’s rugby fellowship. I livr in New Zesland now but am hoping to be in DC next year. Would be great to see you thrn. Much love, Tony Scott
May peace be with you. My grand children will miss you. From a Friend at 6608 Tina Ln
We will miss him terribly but thank God for allowing him to be a part of our lives. Monica and Victor
Dearest Sheena and family, Ed and I are so sorry for your loss. We are lucky to have been with you both and friends at your beautiful table last summer. And with Rick so happy preparing his asado. I hope many happy memories will help carry you forward. Con cariño. Giulia and Ed Sorensen
I WILL REMEMBER RICK SIMS… Richard Meganck 29 November 2021 I will remember Rick Sims as a colleague and friend for over 45 years. I will remember Rick Sims for his seemingly hard exterior while those of us who really knew him, understood that this was but a paper-thin veneer of his real core of empathy and kindness. He was a teddy bear when it came to kids or defending his staff to unwarranted criticism. I will remember Rick Sims when I saw him tear-up at the untimely death of a mutual colleague…one who left three young children behind. I will remember Rick Sims hanging his Marine Corps Flag emblazoned with their motto “Semper Fidelis” next to the American Flag on the front of his garage and then saluting it proudly. I will remember Rick Sims especially on one Thanksgiving day when a huge tree fell on his car and how we waited to finish our dinner until the clean-up was completed and the damaged assessed… and how in the end we laughed about it. I will remember Rick Sims for his Marine Corps style “orders of the day” at the Organization of American States and how our boss Kirk Rodgers had to remind Rick that he was no longer in the Corps. In that regard I will remember Rick Sims when I was interviewing for my OAS job in 1978 with Kirk Rodgers when Rick was called to the interview, but not until he requested “permission to come on board Sir” to Mr. Rodgers. What else needs to be said? I was stunned – “who was this character?” I will remember Rick Sims when we were having an after-work drink and seated next to an attractive woman he asked – and this is the truth that could only come from Rick: “Would you like to see my gender sensitivity course card?” I will remember Rick Sims and his stunned reaction when my daughter innocently asked if his car, which was a Mercedes at the time, was a Buick. For once Rick was speechless. I will remember Rick Sims for his convoluted Spanish – complete with many Spanglish nuances and the convoluted looks from his staff trying to understand. I will remember Rick Sims because he still owes me 50 cents from a bet in 1983 and which he refused to pay because he thought I tricked him into an incorrect answer. Mostly, I will remember Rick Sims as a loving husband, father and later grandfather. Nobody could criticize Sheena, Cassy or Jenny – nobody. I WILL remember Rick Sims.
This is so beautiful, Rich. Just perfect. Love, Jenny Sims
Rick will always be with us in our hearts forever as a dear and loyal friend. We met 15 years ago in Naples FL as a neighbor. We had just arrived as new owners across the street. We found our car had a dead battery and Rick and Sheena were walking and stopped to introduce themselves. Of course Rick wanted to help and jump started the car!! We became close friends, took tango lessons together for over ten years, went to Saturday night Milongas and other social gatherings . We visited each other at our homes in McLean VA and Boston. When we needed something done in the condo, Rick was at the door with his ladder within 5 minutes. He helped everyone in the neighborhood. Rest in peace, dear friend.
Marita Ciudad-Real. My sincere condolences to Sheena, Jenny, Cassie and family. I was Richard’s colleague at Department of Sustainable Development at Organization of American States, and I will always remember the happy times Richard had organizing those memorable office Christmas parties and summer picnics at his beautiful backyard which he was so proud. May he rest in peace, and God gives strength to his family in this difficult time.
Too many memories to share just one. Rick and Sheena were our neighbors in McLean, VA. We lived backyard to backyard from each other. Everything I have read here is true about Rick (and Sheena). Our yards, daughters and houses became one place. Owed mostly to Rick. He shared his love for rugby with me and consequently his love for his fellow players. Both his team and all the others. A brotherhood of amateur athletes. Rick was a keystone of that. I will never forget him, and I will say now, now that it’s too late, “I loved him”. Richard Shepler, Sr
Just knowing he was there, bumping into him in his lunch dates with Sheena every now and then or getting hello messages from every Dominican he crossed paths with was comforting. Christmas and so many OAS-DSD good memories! He will be missed, Semper Fi, Marine!
Nick Marsit, 0311 My condolences to Shenna and family. Rick was a hard charging Marine who carried his training and the Corps ideals into civilian life. No one ever had to wonder or guess where Rick stood on any matter. With that and being Marine brothers we became instant friends in Naples. Rick was an active brother in Detachment #063 Naples where he shared memories and love of the Corps with many brothers. Semper Fidelis and Salute, Marine! Stand relieved, We have the Watch!
We met 1985 as neighbours and left the US as friends. We stayed in touch and returned several times as guests in your open house. For us You were AMERICA. Thank you for your friendship, we will miss you. Margot and Karl Struve Munich, Germany
Randy and I would like to express our condolences. Rick was a very special person. We especially enjoyed his wit and humor. Our prayers go out to his family and friends. Randy & Jane Cohick family
Emelia, So very sorry to hear about the loss of your Father. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Julie Mobayed
Ana and I still can’t wrap our heads around what happened. We are saddened and will certainly miss not seeing him in Naples. He was one of the nicest people we have ever met. When people say, “he would give you the shirt off his back” you could name Rick as one of those people. Rest in peace and thank you for your service to this country Ana and Bill
From Judy and Ernie Posch, Dear Sheena, Jenny and Cassie. Our heart is broken by the loss of our dear friend, Rick. As you remember our friendship goes back to our children’s birthday parties, Montessori school, Tuckahoe, barbecues, dinner parties in McLean and many other fun times together. When we moved down to Sarasota in 2002 our friendship continued with less togetherness but with the same love as in the late 70’s and on… Every winter we were waiting for your trip down to Naples and planning for our meeting either in your or in our house or even at a mutually meeting point for lunch. We always cherished these occasions. We know life will be different to all of you, especially for Sheena. But be certain, our friendship remains the same and if you miss Florida, we will love to have you any time in our house. And Rick’s sweet memory will always be with us.
My friendship with Rick and his wife Sheena goes back to 1973 when we were both in training to be stockbrokers. The training program was located in Los Angelo’s, California. We both had the distinction of having met, interviewed and hired by Ross Perot. After returning to our respective hometowns we stayed in touch over these many years. Rick was a true friend, a fine American and a true patriot, having served in the US Maines in Vietnam. I will miss his friendship, his wit and humor and only wish that I had another opportunity to be in his company, and express my love and admiration for him. My deepest condolences to Sheena, his daughters and his grandchildren.
Words cannot possibly describe Rick Sims who was larger than life. Frankly it seems impossible – he was a legendary, dependable, rock solid, steel person who would always be there. Rick Sims was Sheena’s “Bear”, standing as a defender & protector. Rick was direct & cut straight to the heart of any matter, stated his opinion only when asked, then didn’t cut any slack if he found the response disappointing. Rick gave me the undiluted truth, and strangely it served as a kind of medicine, especially during a dark time in my life, when he & Sheena drove their car to my house & handed me the keys & said – we know you need it. I´ll never forget as they were leaving, he put his arm around Sheena & smiled back over his shoulder & said, “Its going to be okay kiddo – you´ve got this – you´re going to make it just fine” and I did – those words gave me the backbone I needed to just get on with it. When Jenny was born and later Cassie, he was absolutely enamored with being a father. Rick relished being a father & “the man” to 3 women. For nearly 5 decades, with gaps of contact here & there, I witnessed a person whose brisk exterior rarely hid a generous kind human being, who still called me kiddo & still gave me the truth, as he once said, “here it is kiddo, straight up – no umbrella” …. who still had the same kind of concrete commitment to everyone he loved. His eyes still lit up when Sheena entered the room & when he spoke of his daughters & grandchildren. A light emblazoned by the fire in his heart…. Rick was a man´s man – but he was even more of a woman´s fan. Rick – your huge presence for everyone whose life you ever touched will leave a gaping space ….. and great memories of a unique human being whose integrity & honor are what many strive for and never achieve. I think you just got permission to come aboard Sir, but we wish you’d stayed a little longer. Jewelie
Played with Rick years ago with Sud. He was a great, jovial, fun-loving guy and seemed to live life to the fullest. Last time I saw Rick was on a plane a few years ago, returning from LA where I had business, then stopped off at a rugby tournament somewhere in LA. Sitting on the plane, this familiar guy walks up the aisle, he looks at me: “Peter?” He had been at the rugby event but I never saw him there, but we quickly put 2 and 2 together. It was great to see him after so long and we chatted, clogging up the aisle.
Sheena, we just learned of Rick’s passing, and I want you to know you and your family are in our hearts. Stay strong.
A candle was lit for the decedent.