Provost Family Visit
July 4, 1970
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Best Friends - Betty Somerville and Vivian
August 10, 2019
"Aunt" Vivian was my Mom Grace Provost's best friend from the day they met each other. Our family of eight would load up into our "Non-air conditioned" station wagon and drive down to McLean, VA from our home in Springfield, MA to "camp out" in her basement over several summers. I remember those times vividly. One 4th of July as we were trying to leave the fireworks show in Washington, D.C., the subway stairs became so crowded that my younger brother Joe was almost crushed in the crowd. Immediately, Wrenn picked him up and carried Joe safely on his shoulders down the stairs. The picture is of (front row) my Mom Grace, sister Angela (Angel), brother Joe, and Vivian's child (named?). In the (back row) my father Joseph Arthur Provost, Jr., sister Grace Ellen, me Kathleen (Kathy), and Vivian holding her child (named?). I never knew Vivian was born in Chicopee, MA until now. It so happens that my husband Richard Arthur Boudreau was also born in Chicopee, MA. We were happily married on 9/29/79, have 2 Children, and 3 Grandchildren. My Dad passed away on 10/9/1998 at the age of 69, but Mom Grace lived to 87 and went to Heaven on 1/30/2016. I am certain she is singing and Vivian is dancing away along with her there now. With Love and Aloha to All our Angels in Heaven. "Always", Kathleen Frances Provost Boudreau